On Dec. 11, a member of the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) alleges security officers forcibly detained her in the McConnell Engineering Building for taking a picture of armed agents there. Reportedly, the member has yet to receive communication from McGill about recourse. In a written statement[Read More…]
PGSS councillors debate McGill’s proposed labour cuts and referendum question selection
The Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) of McGill University held its second council meeting of 2025 on Feb. 12. After approving the agenda, PGSS councillors moved on to discuss budget cuts, hiring freezes, and questions for the upcoming referendum. The first discussion item was the potential impact of staff cuts in[Read More…]
McGill governance meeting highlights: Week of Jan. 13-17
The McGill Senate, Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) Council, and Legislative Council of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) each held their first meetings of the semester during the week of Jan. 13-17. Senators explored the potential impacts of Bill 74 and Bill 83, and concerns regarding McGill’s new policy[Read More…]
McGill governance meeting highlights: Week of Nov. 4-8
Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) Nov. 6 Fall General Meeting PGSS’s Fall General Meeting included key discussion points such as an update from the Quebec Student Union (QSU), a motion to share an Expression of Concern (EoC) on Palestine, and concerns from a Macdonald Campus student about parking and childcare services.[Read More…]
PGSS Council votes on McGill-amended motion, removes mentions of Gaza and genocide
The Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) met on Oct. 2 for its second Council meeting of the Fall semester. Thirty-six voting members attended the meeting, surpassing quorum—one per cent of regular members, as laid out in PGSS’s Bylaws—for the first time since February of this year. As the previous Council meeting[Read More…]
PGSS executives discuss low attendance, support of Palestine at semester’s first council meeting
The Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) of McGill University gathered for its first council meeting of the Fall 2024 semester on Sept. 4. Despite continued calls from Secretary-General Satish Kumar Tumulu for attendees to recruit other voting members to join the meeting, only 26 councillors were in attendance. The meeting marked[Read More…]
PGSS general assembly fails to meet quorum, discusses ways to increase attendance
On Nov. 8, the Post-Graduate Student Society (PGSS) held both its November council meeting and general assembly (GA) at Thomson House. As the GA failed to reach quorum—which is one per cent of PGSS members, or 96 students—no motions could be passed and all items on the agenda were for[Read More…]
PGSS says Bill 96 costs the society $7,000 per month, seeks monetary compensation
The Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) gathered for its first council meeting of the Fall 2023 semester on Sept. 6. Led by speaker Nora Delahaye, the hybrid session’s agenda included teaching assistants’ (TA) rights and Bill 96. The meeting began with a presentation from Kiersten van Vliet, a representative from the[Read More…]
Governance 101
McGill’s governance structures can seem opaque and difficult to navigate. The Tribune broke down the organizations that represent the student body and how they are governed, as well as how the university’s governance apparatuses work. The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) SSMU is the students’ union that represents all undergraduates[Read More…]
PGSS executives debate restructuring responsibilities to ease workload
The Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) held its 2022-2023 Winter General Assembly at Thomson House on March 15. Although there were no binding votes or motions passed, attendees discussed the status of the Library Improvement Fund, the potential installation of air-filtration devices across campus, and a restructuring of the PGSS itself.[Read More…]