AGSEM member still awaiting recourse for McGill security alleged assault in December

On Dec. 11, a member of the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) alleges security officers forcibly detained her in the McConnell Engineering Building for taking a picture of armed agents there. Reportedly, the member has yet to receive communication from McGill about recourse. In a written statement[Read More…]

McGill governance meeting highlights: Week of Jan. 13-17

The McGill Senate,  Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) Council, and Legislative Council of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) each held their first meetings of the semester during the week of Jan. 13-17. Senators explored the potential impacts of Bill 74 and Bill 83, and concerns regarding McGill’s new policy[Read More…]

PGSS executives discuss low attendance, support of Palestine at semester’s first council meeting

The Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) of McGill University gathered for its first council meeting of the Fall 2024 semester on Sept. 4. Despite continued calls from Secretary-General Satish Kumar Tumulu for attendees to recruit other voting members to join the meeting, only 26 councillors were in attendance. The meeting marked[Read More…]

Governance 101

McGill’s governance structures can seem opaque and difficult to navigate. The Tribune broke down the organizations that represent the student body and how they are governed, as well as how the university’s governance apparatuses work. The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)  SSMU is the students’ union that represents all undergraduates[Read More…]

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