On Nov. 19, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) voted in favour of establishing an ad-hoc electoral reform committee, institutionalizing support for indigenous communities, and creating a committee to initiate and propose changes to the student health and dental plan. Electoral Reform Committee In response to recent[Read More…]
CKUT fee increase fails in SSMU referendum
The results of the 2015 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) referendum were announced on Nov. 15. All referendum questions passed, with the exception of the CKUT fee increase. The Safety Network fee The first referendum question, which proposed the creation of a SSMU Safety Network Fee passed[Read More…]
Failed PGSS CKUT referendum passes after excluding Macdonald campus ballots
The CKUT Radio fee increase referendum in the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) took place on Oct. 21 to 27, 2015. The release of the ballot result, however, was postponed to Nov. 12 due to the inclusion of ineligible voters. After a recount of ballots, the referendum was passed with 760[Read More…]
SSMU VP Internal by-election results in “No” vote for Alexei Simakov
This article was updated on Nov. 16. Alexei Simakov will not be the next vice-president (VP) Internal of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). The by-election that was held to fill the position vacated by Lola Baraldi in October resulted in 51.7 per cent of students voting “No.” Voter[Read More…]
SSMU VP Internal profile: Alexei Simakov
Alexei Simakov is a U4 International Development Studies student running uncontested for the position of Vice-President (VP) Internal of the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU). Equity, inclusivity, and accessibility With regards to overseeing and implementing equity and inclusivity at SSMU related events, Simakov believes that current efforts by SSMU[Read More…]
Céleste Pagniello withdraws from SSMU VP Internal race
On Nov. 11 the Elections Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) announced via e-mail that Céleste Pagniello, a candidate for the vacant vice-president (VP) internal position, has withdrawn her candidacy. The e-mail included a written statement from Pagniello citing threats as her reason for withdrawing. “Due to personal attacks and[Read More…]
SSMU GA fails to meet quorum
Quorum was not met at yesterday’s General Assembly (GA), held by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). With less than 100 attendees, no motions were brought forward from the floor that required voting. The Winter 2015 and Fall 2014 GAs saw attendances of 550 and 700 students respectively. Kareem[Read More…]
SSMU Council passes motion of support for Fall reading week
On Nov. 5, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) held its fourth Council meeting of the year, with discussion on a proposed Fall reading week, SSMU representation at the provincial level, and reforming the executive positions within SSMU. Fall reading week The proposed Fall reading week was debated at[Read More…]
Joint Senate-BoG meeting addresses making a smart campus for the 21st century
Designing a smart campus for the 21st century was the topic of discussion at this year’s annual joint meeting of the McGill Senate and Board of Governors (BoG). The governing bodies gathered this past Tuesday to discuss ways in which McGill could adapt its facilities to suit the needs of[Read More…]
SNAX may resume sandwich sales pending MoA negotiations with McGill
After a six month ban, students may once again be able purchase sandwiches from SNAX. Ongoing Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) negotiations between the McGill administration and the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) concerning the future of the AUS student-run business, appear to be coming to a conclusion. These negotiations follow the[Read More…]