Stefan Prokopetz – VP Finance & Operations

What experience do you think you bring into this position? I'm currently doing work for the assistant director of finance here at McGill, I'm doing research on IPOs. So people definitely trust my financial expertise, I understand financial statements, I did budgeting this summer for work. I did a lot[Read More…]

Emily Clare – VP University Affairs

With regards to the administration people have adversarial relationships towards it or cooperative relations, where do you think your approach falls?  I think we have to be ourselves as student representatives but also a resource to the university to get information into what students want. So it’s important to work[Read More…]

Natalie Talmi – VP Internal

As you know, there are going be some major changes happening to Frosh next year. How do you feel about these changes, how do you feel that they’ve been handled by Tom Fabian, the current VP Internal? If they’re done correctly, which I feel I could do, then they could[Read More…]

Lauren Hudak

“My name is Lauren Hudak and I am running for VP University Affairs. As your VP, I will continue to push for greater student representation within athletics; for an improvement in student services, particularly within health services and student aid; and for more stimulating learning environments by lowering the student-to-faculty[Read More…]

Evan Jolicoeur

I am currently in my 3rd year of a BScN program. Throughout the years, I have been an active member, in a number of diverse organizations including political, student bodies, environmental organizations and have sat on committees and advisory boards. Currently I am the Vice-President CNSA (Canadian Nursing Student Association) on[Read More…]

Cathal Rooney-Cespedes

Please note that Cathal D. Rooney-Cespedes has been sanctioned for having a campaign website online before the campaign period.  The function of the Students’ Society is to provide excellence in service, representation, and leadership for undergraduate students, and that is exactly what I plan to do. Student politics has been[Read More…]

Wilson Ventura Chan

My goal as a Medicine Senator is to gain and promote awareness of the issues revolving around our student body at McGill and to voice the students’ opinions on these matters, especially those that reflect the attitudes of my constituency. Currently, as a medical student, and also having completed a[Read More…]

Emily Yee Clare

As VP University-Affairs, I will provide holistic, innovative solutions to student issues across all levels of McGill governance. My experience working with both McGill’s administration and SSMU will ensure that students have strong representation at the negotiating table. I will foster a culture of school spirit and community by promoting student public[Read More…]

Sameer Apte

Currently, I serve as Med-2 President, but in 10 years at McGill I have always been a student advocate. Last year, I worked with the faculty on the M.D. Accreditation committee to ensure the quality of our education. Presently, I am on the advisory committee with Dr. Munroe-Blum, McGill’s principal,[Read More…]

Maggie Knight

Please note that Maggie Knight has been sanctioned for contacting campus groups prior to the opening of the campaign period.  Hello! I’m Maggie, a BASc Environment & Economics student from Victoria, BC. With over 3 years’ SSMU experience as Councillor and Environment Commissioner, I know SSMU inside-out. As a leader[Read More…]

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