Former McGill Art History Professor Charmaine Nelson, along with some of her students, released a 98-page research document on June 22, titled “Slavery and McGill University: Bicentennial Recommendations.” The document included an investigation of the connection between James McGill and transatlantic slavery, the biographies of people enslaved by McGill, and[Read More…]
The Tribune Explains
Tribune Explains: Accessing virtual writing resources
Many students buckle under the stress that comes with writing and rewriting essays and term papers, and in the absence of in-person exams this fall semester, professors are increasingly dependent on written assessments to evaluate students. Whether you are new to McGill, still acclimatizing, or just need a boost, essay[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM)
What is AGSEM? The Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) is the union to which teaching assistants (TA) and invigilators for McGill university belong. Founded in 1974 as the McGill Teaching Assistant Association (MTAA) and certified in 1993 as a union to represent Teaching Assistants, AGSEM is the[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: The Involvement Restriction Policy
The Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Inter-faculty Involvement Restriction Policy (IRP) is a contract and policy that processes, investigates, and acts on complaints of discrimination, violence, harassment, improper conduct, or gendered violence. The policy aims to minimize harm and ensure the safety and wellbeing of the individual filing the[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: All things Fall Reading Week
While most Canadian universities have a week-long break in both the fall and winter semesters, McGill only has a reading week in the winter, usually held during the first week of March. Recent student activism has prompted talks regarding the implementation of a Fall Reading Week by the McGill Senate,[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: SSMUnion
The Student-Run Service Members’ Union (SSMUnion) officially launched their campaign on Facebook on Nov. 24. Their goal is to unionize SSMU employees to combat issues of overworking and provide support for all full and part-time SSMU employees. SSMU employs a staff of over 100, including volunteer services such as Sexual[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: The new Société de Transport de Montréal (STM) card readers
Students may have noticed the installation of new card readers in Société de transport de Montréal (STM) buses in recent months. On June 27, the company announced the introduction of enhanced card readers in its vehicles to replace existing ones. The new system will decrease the time it takes to[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: SSMU Conflict of Interest Policy
An article published by The McGill Daily on Nov. 13 reported that Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) members and representatives were offered an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel by Hillel Montreal, an organization whose mandate aims to connect Jewish students with the larger community in Montreal. At the Nov. 14 SSMU[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: The Indigenous Student Equity Fund and Fee
The Fall 2019 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Referendum included a proposal written by the Indigenous Affairs Commissioner Tomas Jirousek to create a new Indigenous Equity Fund and Fee (IEFF). With a voter turnout of 17.3 per cent, the motion passed with 72 percent of students voting in favour.[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: How to dispose effectively
The phrase “reduce, reuse, and recycle” is a staple of many elementary school classrooms. Students are often told to recycle their paper and plastic items, unaware that if they do so incorrectly, the whole batch of recycling can end up in a landfill. With the consequences of climate change becoming[Read More…]