On April 7, 2016, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Services Review Committee changed the status of Organic Campus, the Players Theatre and other student services within SSMU’s structure. In a similar restructuring move on May 24, 2016, SSMU revoked the club status of the McGill Outdoors Club (MOC).[Read More…]
McGill must demonstrate why it matters for millennials
Last week, McGill Principal and Vice-Chancellor Suzanne Fortier attended the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland on behalf of McGill—the only Canadian university invited. In an article for The Montreal Gazette, titled “Why Davos Matters for Millennials,” Fortier discussed the purpose of her trip and the message she[Read More…]
Political conversation must break echo chambers at McGill in 2017
On Jan 12, Conservative Party of Canada leadership candidate Kellie Leitch spoke at a meet-and-greet on Peel St., co-hosted by the Conservative Association at McGill University. In response, members of the Montreal community, including McGill students, staged a peaceful protest. While divisive, both the event and the protest are essential[Read More…]
Editorial: Report on systemic discrimination in McGill faculty reveals the need for action
Last month, the Ad Hoc Working Group on Systemic Discrimination—commissioned by the Joint Board-Senate Committee on Equity—released a comprehensive report based on a survey of tenure-track and tenured faculty at McGill. The report gave a glimpse of the ongoing forms of discrimination, such as racism and sexism, that permeate the[Read More…]
Discussing racism beyond Queen’s
Last week, photos surfaced online of a costume party at Queen’s University in which students dressed as various stereotypes of other nationalities and cultures. White students were photographed dressed as incarcerated Mexicans, Buddhist monks, Viet Cong guerillas, and other stereotypical outfits at the event. Queen’s Principal Daniel Woolf and other[Read More…]
Streamlining of McGill Counselling and Mental Health Services leaves gaps in medical notes procedures
As part of the integration of McGill Mental Health and Counselling Services (MHCMS), medical notes are no longer available for students who use drop-in appointments unless their case falls under the criteria for the newly designated “Safety Appointment.” Although the change prioritizes support for students who urgently need it in order[Read More…]
Fall 2016 SSMU Referendum Endorsements
The Motion Regarding Free Menstrual Hygiene Products Fee and Health and Hygiene Products Fund: “Yes” As the Tribune has previously argued, the Free Menstrual Hygiene Products Fee would provide significant benefits to all McGill students. By helping to promote equal access to education, the motion effectively benefits all members of the[Read More…]
Quebec must uphold freedom of the press
Last week, the Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM) revealed they had obtained a warrant to monitor the cell phone of La Presse journalist Patrick Lagacé in order to determine the identity of his sources for an investigation into police fabrication of evidence. Over the last several[Read More…]
Unacceptable and urgent: McGill must reach agreement with AMUSE
After a meeting with the McGill administration on Oct. 28, the Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE) called a five day strike, which began on Oct. 29. AMUSE is a labour union representing approximately 1,500 casual and temporary employees in both part-time and full-time positions. It has been negotiating[Read More…]
In support of free menstrual hygiene products on campus
At the most recent Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) legislative council meeting on Oct. 13, SSMU President Ben Ger put forward a motion that would—if passed in the upcoming Fall 2016 referendum—have SSMU adopt a Free Menstrual Hygiene Products Policy. The policy would create a $0.90 per semester fee[Read More…]