
Making AUSes of themselves

McGill Tribune In light of emergent details about the Arts Undergraduate Society’s Frosh budget deficit, the way in which Frosh was organized, and how current AUS executives and council members are handling the situation, the Tribune is deeply concerned over the way AUS is being run. At Wednesday’s council meeting,[Read More…]

Editorial to restore sanity

McGill Tribune Anyone who attended Wednesday’s Rally to Save the Architecture Café, and even those who only heard about it secondhand, must have been heartened to see such a positive display of campus activity and communal feeling from the typically somnolent McGill student body. The Tribune certainly was. However, those[Read More…]

Raising Quebec tuition: the least bad option

Last week, McGill Principal Heather Munroe-Blum travelled to Quebec City to report to the provincial government on the ups and downs the university has faced in the past three years. In her speech, Munroe-Blum repeated many of the standard talking points: she touted the university’s research, emphasized McGill’s international stature,[Read More…]

EDITORIAL: Raising Quebec tuition – the least bad option

Last week, McGill Principal Heather Munroe-Blum travelled to Quebec City to report to the provincial government on the ups and downs the university has faced in the past three years. In her speech, Munroe-Blum repeated many of the standard talking points: she touted the university’s research, emphasized McGill’s international stature, and cheered the university’s intellectual contributions to Quebec.

EDITORIAL: Tribal Frosh and the Tone of Campus Debate

The Tribune applauds the Management Undergraduate Society’s decision last week to change the name of their frosh week from “Tribal” to “Superhero,” though we are deeply concerned over the predictably hyperbolic reaction to the original idea. The change came after howls of protest over the initial theme, and the online dissemination of a promotional video depicting a handful of Management students posing as members of various African and Central and South American tribes.

EDITORIAL: J-Board should throw out case against Newburgh

On Friday, the Students’ Society’s Judicial Board will hear Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights’ case against Zach Newburgh, SSMU’s speaker of council and SSMU president-elect. SPHR claims that by acting as chair of the Winter General Assembly, Newburgh “placed himself in a serious conflict of interest, making it impossible for him to perform his task in an impartial manner” during the debate over the motion “Re: The Defence of Human Rights, Social Justice, and Environmental Protection.

EDITORIAL: The wrong McMann for the job

After what can only be called an absolute debacle in 2005, 2006 was supposed to be different for the McGill football program. With their off-field issues supposedly behind them and a strong nucleus of veterans on offence, Head Coach Chuck McMann set the second round of the playoffs as the team’s goal.

EDITORIAL: Memo to HMB: Put the pal back in “principal”

As some of you may have noticed this past Friday, just across the street from McConnell Engineering, a sizable cross-section of FACE school-from faculty members to kindergarten students-hit the sidewalks, calling for the swift return of their school principal, Nick Primiano.

EDITORIAL: Our assemblies are dysfunctional

The Tribune found itself in a difficult position last year when deciding whether or not to support the constitutional amendment on general assemblies. Essentially, we supported the idea of having regular assemblies but believed it would be damaging, democratically speaking, to lower the quorum from 200 to 100 students.

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