I write to respond to two pieces that ran in The McGill Tribune on Oct. 17: "Editorial: On sexual violence reform, it's McGill's turn" and Caitlin Kindig's news piece, "Our Turn action plan gives McGill's Sexual Violence Policy a C- grade." Both articles contain misunderstandings or incomplete information about McGill's Policy against Sexual[Read More…]
Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor: Student politics can’t be apolitical
Last week, The McGill Tribune published a commentary piece by Gabriel Rincon that critiqued the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Vice-President (VP) External (my role) for taking political positions and participating in student demonstrations, supported by the underlying thesis that SSMU executives “should represent the interests of all students, independent[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor: Hydro-Quebec and its relations with First Nations: Inflammatory titles are unwarranted and misguided
Many Aboriginal communities in Quebec live in areas with hydroelectric installations. Hydro-Quebec's liaison teams are made up of employees who work closely with these communities. Team members have friends and family among the First Nations; many have chosen to strengthen their knowledge of Aboriginal history and culture through postgraduate studies; and[Read More…]
Letter to McGill: ‘The student code should include a commitment to personal integrity, on and off campus’
This article is in response to the Tribune's article 'It doesn't matter because it didn't happen on campus' published on April 4, 2017. I am acutely aware of the fact that my situation is not unique. Other students have suffered similar experiences, some far more severe than mine, and have[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor: SSMU’s independence should not come before student safety
I respectfully disagree with the Feb. 21 editorial, “McGill Administration must support independence of student societies.” Igor Sadikov advocated for violence toward Zionists, which includes Zionist students at McGill. I am a proud Arts Graduate of McGill, and I identify as a Zionist. I know many others at McGill who[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor: Fuck Jordan Peterson
I can’t believe we’re still talking about Jordan Peterson. I'm disappointed that the Tribune found it necessary to publish an article by Gabriel Rincon making the tired argument that there is somehow a deeper free speech issue behind Peterson’s transphobia (“Jordan Peterson’s real thesis lost in U of T pronoun debate,” Jan. 10). Spoiler:[Read More…]
Letter to the editor: Indigenous students at McGill: Alive and well
Watching the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter General Assembly (GA) livestream as an Indigenous student was painful. Indigenous peoples' needs were brought out to support motions that had no active endorsement by Indigenous students. Our fights and struggles were discussed as a way to make issues relevant or[Read More…]
Letter to the editor: Bernie Sanders’ campaign especially culpable in social media misinformation
In February, Jenna Stanwood argued in her piece, “Social media normalizes misinformation in US presidential primaries,” that users of social media have become swept away with catchy slogans and misleading information, to the detriment of good decision-making, and that this trend is a worrying sign for democracy. All of these[Read More…]
Letter: Motion Regarding Support for the Kahtihon’tia:kwenio at the SSMU GA
On the motion regarding support of the Kahtihon’tia:kwenio Indigenous students at McGill University suffer from underrepresentation and, consequently, misrepresentation. Stereotypes, prejudice, and systemic racism are just the beginning of complex Indigenous relations at McGill. With only 230 Indigenous students attending the university, consultation with Indigenous students is simply overlooked. As[Read More…]
Letter to the editor: Tuition deregulation is a gamble at best, destructive at worst
The Tribune’s editorial, “Deregulation at McGill should not necessitate an increase in international student tuition,” is inaccurate and unrealistic in depicting what tuition deregulation would entail for students. First, it fails to clearly differentiate between equalization and deregulation policies; it is possible to eliminate the equalization model in Quebec without[Read More…]