Letters to the Editor

Letter: Divest McGill turns one year old

About a year and a half ago, Bill McKibben wrote an article in Rolling Stone magazine outlining the climate crisis and urging the world to take action against its main perpetrator, the fossil fuel industry. This call to action saw the conception of over 400 divestment campaigns around the world,[Read More…]

Letter: In support of the Faculty of Medicine’s opposition to Bill 60

On September 16, the McGill Faculty of Medicine, along with its four major teaching hospitals, released a joint statement affirming its belief in providing an environment where individuals are free to choose to wear “conspicuous religious symbols.” Today, in light of the proposed Bill 60, the Medical Students’ Society of[Read More…]

Letter: Not a time to push panic buttons

Tuesday’s “Campus Conversation” item in the Tribune features four students offering their opinions on whether McGill is in decline. The range of responses covered the entire spectrum: definitely, maybe, maybe not, not really. I applaud the fact that our students take the future of our institution seriously. I also applaud[Read More…]

Letter: AUS denounces barriers at Milton Gates

Dear Associate Vice-Principal Couvrette and Provost Masi, The Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) of McGill University Legislative Council voted at the September 18 meeting to take a stance of disapproval against the erection of the new barriers at the Milton Gates, expressing concerns about accessibility, the consultation process, community relations, utility[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

RE: SSMU to give opt-outable groups chance to speak out, Jan. 11, 2011 In case anyone felt, in reading this article, that VP Clubs and Services Anushay Khan’s recent undertaking to provide McGill students with information on opt-outable groups and services and to prevent the growth of “shadow opt-outs” is[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

Re: Fighting the anti-free speech Frenzy (editorial, November 23, 2010) November 23rd’s Editorial, “Fighting the anti-free speech frenzy,” is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the legal concept of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a negative freedom: the government (or university) cannot censor or forbid speech that it[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

First of all, thank you for the support you’ve shown the Architecture Cafe. It is greatly appreciated, as information is what really empowers students on campus. However, I am writing concerning last week’s article: “Architecture Café shut down by McGill.” I am sure that the subject had been researched prior[Read More…]

Reporting in D.C.

Every morning I roll over and check Twitter on my phone. Washington, D.C. runs on information, and if you don’t have it, people look right past you. Since I don’t have it, I rely on Twitter. As a reporter for a D.C. political website, it’s my job to generate stories,[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

In a House of Commons committee on Monday, a proud legacy of McGill students was crippled. Since 2003, McGill students have been the leading edge of Canadian civil society clamoring for Parliament to allow Canadian generic drug companies to produce low-cost medicines for people in poor countries. This solution would[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

 Last week, in the article “Councillors move to debate QPIRG’s fee,” it was printed that Matt Reid (Management Senator) and I (Management Rep to SSMU) endorsed a referendum question to cancel QPIRG McGill’s 3.75 per semester opt-outable fee. Matt and I believed that (as a democratic institution) students have a[Read More…]

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