McGill has been the target of some vile chattering. As good McGillians, we must stand up for our grey friends—mostly because they can’t speak for themselves. Ladies and gentlemen, I am addressing the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) student newspaper, The Ubyssey, and one article’s boast that UBC’s squirrels are[Read More…]
Off the Board
Montreal needs a better shovel for snowy sidewalks
Everyone’s been there—walking around Montreal when all of a sudden you find yourself looking up at the sky from your backside. Whether sober, drunk, or somewhere in between, Montreal’s sidewalks represent the single most dangerous threat to any student. Snowy, slippery wipe-outs are commonplace, and those who find themselves victim[Read More…]
Why you should clap at the movies
Have you ever walked out of a movie in which the audience clapped raucously as the credits rolled, only to have your friend turn to you and ask, “What’s the point of clapping? It’s not like the cast or crew can hear the applause anyway.” If you’re anything like me,[Read More…]
#Ensolidarité: In response to Quebec City mosque shooting, from members of The McGill Tribune Editorial Board
On Jan. 29, a mass shooting occurred at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec, a mosque in Quebec City. The suspected shooter, a student of Laval University, opened fire on the 39 men who were praying in the mosque while women and children were upstairs. At the time of writing,[Read More…]
Reflections from the Women’s March on Washington
On the afternoon of Jan. 20, I dredged through Jeanne Mance Park, making an effort to step in the footprints of those before me, grasping large pieces of cardboard. I was running late to class, but that wasn’t my main priority. I was focused on getting to campus to meet[Read More…]
Student community is more than McGill once, McGill twice
As the add/drop period comes to an end, McLennan gets a little more crowded. School work picks up and routine begins to set in. Yet our McGill spirit remains at a high. At this time last semester, Open Air Pub (OAP) was an overcrowded mess of people, sharing drinks and[Read More…]
Humans need not apply: analog solutions to digital problems
There is an apocryphal story about Henry Ford II and Walter Reuther, the Union Head for the Ford Motor Company, touring a new factory. The two are looking over a balcony at an assembly line of robots when Ford turns to Reuther and says, “Hey Walter, how are you going[Read More…]
When words lie: Leitch’s anti-Canadian values exclude on the basis of inclusion
“Violence and misogyny are not Canadian values,” Kellie Leitch, former minister of labour and minister of the status of women, tells Maclean’s. The above is an innocuous statement regarding Leitch’s vague and seemingly benign proposal to screen immigrants for “anti-Canadian values.” Obviously, most people don’t condone violence or misogyny. But,[Read More…]
Quality vs quantity: Questioning workload at McGill
It seems like no matter what you study at McGill—English, Finance, Physics, or Nursing—you often find yourself with an infeasible volume of readings, practice exercises, pre-labs, or online quizzes. It’s hard to imagine that the professors assigning the work really believe that their students will be able to finish it[Read More…]
A plea to disgruntled Americans at McGill
It has taken quite a lot of time for me to process what this election means for myself and for my country. I have felt everything from sadness to anger to fear to nausea. The most qualified presidential candidate in the history of our nation was defeated by a man[Read More…]