The concept of the “anti-science” right isn’t new to political discussion; conservatives are consistently seen as the major perpetrators of anti-science rhetoric. A 2009 Pew Research poll described a mere six per cent of scientists in the U.S. as identifying with Republican views. According to the two-party political system, this[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
Instagram on the right track with new self-harm prevention feature
The combination of academics, finances, and relationships can strain students’ mental health. A 2013 survey of over 30,000 post-secondary students conducted by the Canadian Organization of University and College Health revealed that 63 per cent of students reported feeling lonely, and 50 per cent of students reported feeling hopeless. Significantly,[Read More…]
The future of birth control must include all genders
The results of a trial for male birth control, published in the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, have sparked outrage and frustration. After 20 of 320 men dropped out of the study due to adverse side effects, the trials were discontinued. Altogether, the men participating in the trial reported 1,491[Read More…]
Streamlining of McGill Counselling and Mental Health Services leaves gaps in medical notes procedures
As part of the integration of McGill Mental Health and Counselling Services (MHCMS), medical notes are no longer available for students who use drop-in appointments unless their case falls under the criteria for the newly designated “Safety Appointment.” Although the change prioritizes support for students who urgently need it in order[Read More…]
Quality vs quantity: Questioning workload at McGill
It seems like no matter what you study at McGill—English, Finance, Physics, or Nursing—you often find yourself with an infeasible volume of readings, practice exercises, pre-labs, or online quizzes. It’s hard to imagine that the professors assigning the work really believe that their students will be able to finish it[Read More…]
The social hangover of McGill’s drinking culture
I was at a café the other week, trying to decide between one croissant or two croissants, when I found myself confronted with an all-too-frequent crisis—I was faced with a familiar face, but no name to put to it. Luckily, she seemed to be in the same dilemma. We locked[Read More…]
A plea to disgruntled Americans at McGill
It has taken quite a lot of time for me to process what this election means for myself and for my country. I have felt everything from sadness to anger to fear to nausea. The most qualified presidential candidate in the history of our nation was defeated by a man[Read More…]
Why isn’t mental health the top priority at McGill?
On Oct. 24, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) hosted a Q&A panel to address questions regarding the state of mental health at McGill. Only 16 students attended the panel out of a population of over 39,000. Whether the low attendance rate was due to the stress of midterms[Read More…]
Tipping should be phased out
When I was sixteen, I worked as a cashier at a local bakery on Saturday and Sunday mornings, the two busiest days of the week. I would often leave work with $40 USD or more—just about half a shift’s wage—shoved in my pocket, mostly wrinkled dollar bills that were stuffed[Read More…]
The official guide to becoming a McGill gym bro
I am compelled to thank all of the McGill gym bros who have approached me over the past four years for teaching me how to work out. Your generosity consists of stopping me mid-set to critique my form, asking me which of my boyfriends taught me how to lift weights,[Read More…]