Despite having little-to-no vested interest in American domestic policy, Canadians have been fixated by the American election. They wouldn’t be directly affected if Donald Trump repealed and replaced Obamacare, or if Hillary Clinton decided to implement debt-free college for American students. Nonetheless, Canadians are very interested in debating these issues[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
A deadly high: Universities must take measures to educate and protect against fentanyl overdoses
Amelia and Hardy Leighton were, by all appearances, a young, happy, stable married couple from North Vancouver. They decided to celebrate the purchase of their first home—fit with a yard for their two-year-old son—by getting a little high. On July 20, they were found dead in their home. The cause[Read More…]
Unacceptable and urgent: McGill must reach agreement with AMUSE
After a meeting with the McGill administration on Oct. 28, the Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE) called a five day strike, which began on Oct. 29. AMUSE is a labour union representing approximately 1,500 casual and temporary employees in both part-time and full-time positions. It has been negotiating[Read More…]
Tuition-paying students not complicit in McGill’s investment practices
McGill’s endowment fund is a hot button topic. Since September alone, there has been a disruption of McGill’s Board of Governors by Divest McGill to raise awareness of sustainability, a series of open forums on sustainability, and a presentation about global growth and the environment. Many McGill students are passionately[Read More…]
Down the ballot: Presidential hooplah overshadows Congress
For citizens of the United States, this has been the most entertaining—and for some, the most nauseating—presidential election in memory. Disgruntled voters are threatening not to cast their vote because they feel neither large-party candidate suits their interests, and the movement to vote third party is gaining steam, especially among[Read More…]
It’s not in your head: New study confirms link between oral contraceptive use and depression
On Sept. 28, the University of Copenhagen published a study that confirmed a correlation between hormonal contraceptive use and depression. This study, which tracked one million Danish women between the ages of 15 and 34 for a period of 13 years, revealed that women taking the combined oral contraceptive were[Read More…]
Bill Clinton needs to exit the political discussion
On Oct. 7, Presidential candidate Donald Trump released an apology for his misogynistic comments in an infamous 2005 tape, which records him bragging to Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about sexually assaulting women. However, his apology merely brushed off the incident as “locker-room talk” while shifting the focus onto Bill[Read More…]
The cost of being a coffee-drinking woman
What if you were told that you had to pay more for your morning coffee, just because of your gender? Toronto coffee shop Tokyo Smoke got a rise out of its customers for doing just this. One woman was told she’d have to pay a whopping $5.00 for her small[Read More…]
Marijuana legalization poses significant risks for youth
One of Justin Trudeau’s flashiest policies has been his promise to legalize marijuana. Taking advantage of 4/20 this past April, his government announced that it will be instated in the spring of 2017—only one year later. We’re halfway through that time, and his policy remains vague and shallow. Trudeau is[Read More…]
The ineffective weekly conference: Getting past 10% participation marks
"And be sure to say your name before speaking, so I can put you down for participation marks," a teaching assistant instructs a room of blank-faced undergraduate students. An attendance sheet circulates. A pen taps against a desk. To break the silence, someone offers a summary of the week's course[Read More…]