At McGill, issues surrounding sexuality, gender, and consent have come to the forefront of campus dialogue in recent years; however, the same awareness of racial equality and representation does not exist. Conversations about racial issues are so invisible that many students are not even aware that there is anything to[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
When users perish, their social media accounts live on
Two weeks ago, I received a rather typical notification from Facebook. “One of your friends has a birthday this week,” prompted the note. “Wish her a happy birthday.” To a vast number Facebook users, this notification is oftentimes annoying, yet surely innocent in its intentions. But one thing Facebook failed[Read More…]
SSMU VP Internal byelection endorsement: Omar El-Sharawy
In order to present the most informed endorsements as possible, we reached out to each of the candidates and did research on their platforms and Facebook campagins. The Tribune Editorial Board debated and discussed the candidates in depth and voted on our endorsement for the position. The endorsement required a[Read More…]
A student’s take on SSMU elections
Two weeks ago the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) bylection for Vice-President (VP) Internal turned ugly… again. SSMU elections have been a source of controversy for years with the most recent one marred by a particularly malicious online culture. While much of the student body is generally disenchanted and[Read More…]
Why McGill needs to be proactive about race
Racial tension at universities in the United States has finally turned into discussion and action. Students of colour at institutions like Dartmouth College and Yale University are speaking out about injustices and racism they have experienced on campus. Exclusion from events, racial slurs and stereotypes, culturally appropriative halloween costumes, mascot[Read More…]
Delineating safe spaces key to protecting free speech on university campuses
The campus free speech debate was back in the media spotlight these past few weeks after an incident at Yale University. Controversy followed a mass email sent by Yale Professor Erika Christakis, in which she questioned the school’s policy on culturally appropriative Halloween costumes. The response was fast and furious;[Read More…]
Editorial: Contradictory policy in Quebec will enable hate, not protect from radicalization
Cases of xenophobia and Islamophobia have erupted across Canada. Since the terrorist attacks in Paris, a mosque in Peterborough, ON. was set on fire, two Muslim women were targeted on public transportation in Toronto, and a Quebec man has been arrested for threatening to kill an Arab every week. In[Read More…]
Straightening out our public health priorities
The world has been focused on the eradication of polio since the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in 1988. The campaign is backed by massive funding from private philanthropists such as Bill Gates, and by the Global Alliance for Immunizations and Vaccinations (GAVI). Today, only one wild[Read More…]
The problem with politicians on social media
Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson recently faced accusations that he embellished stories in his autobiography of receiving a scholarship offer to West Point, and being named the most honest student in a university course. Carson is far from the first political candidate to face scrutiny for past statements, as[Read More…]
The Legacy of Alexei Simakov
The resignation of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Vice-President (VP) Internal Lola Baraldi in October came with a silver lining for the ever-eroding world of McGill politics. In the midst of the confusion came the return of Alexei Simakov—known for running a close election against current SSMU President[Read More…]