The world has been focused on the eradication of polio since the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in 1988. The campaign is backed by massive funding from private philanthropists such as Bill Gates, and by the Global Alliance for Immunizations and Vaccinations (GAVI). Today, only one wild[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
The problem with politicians on social media
Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson recently faced accusations that he embellished stories in his autobiography of receiving a scholarship offer to West Point, and being named the most honest student in a university course. Carson is far from the first political candidate to face scrutiny for past statements, as[Read More…]
The Legacy of Alexei Simakov
The resignation of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Vice-President (VP) Internal Lola Baraldi in October came with a silver lining for the ever-eroding world of McGill politics. In the midst of the confusion came the return of Alexei Simakov—known for running a close election against current SSMU President[Read More…]
Michael Angelakos’ coming out and sensationalism in media
During a recent podcast interview, Michael Angelakos—lead singer of Passion Pit—discussed his sexuality, stating that “I like girls, I like boys, everyone’s fantastic; but you know what? I’m gay. Finally.” The interview revolved around a number of other highly personal topics: His anxiety, bipolar disorder, history of suicide attempts, and[Read More…]
Editorial: Unmoderated online culture has become unsustainable in SSMU elections
Candidates for any elected position may anticipate mudslinging, as it is part and parcel of any campaigning process; however, harassment to the point of dropping out is unacceptable, especially at the student level. This harassment does not necessarily take place between campaign teams—it plays out in online forums where anyone,[Read More…]
Questioning the value of Canada’s Syrian refugee pledge
To the majority of the public’s approval and a minority’s chagrin, the Liberal government has pledged to take in 25,000 refugees before Christmas. Whether dealing with climate change initiatives or Syrian refugees, the Canadian government will set specific policy targets. While setting lofty goals is admirable, it is not always[Read More…]
SSMU GA a scapegoat for misplaced priorities
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)’s General Assembly (GA) is defunct. The main forum actively connecting McGill’s student body to its representative council has apparently run its course. The failure of the Fall 2015 GA to reach quorum, and the whopping zero motions submitted, confirms the collapse; however, proposals[Read More…]
SSMU VP Internal endorsement: Alexei Simakov
In order to present the most informed endorsements as possible, we attended the debate and conducted an interview in person with the candidate. The Tribune Editorial Board debated and discussed the candidate in depth and voted on our endorsement for the position. The endorsement required a two-thirds majority vote. Should[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor: The balancing act of gender parity in cabinet
I distinctly remember the day this summer that then-leader of the third party Justin Trudeau announced gender parity in cabinet as a campaign promise. I also remember rolling my eyes, and muttering something about merit and tokenization, deciding this would just be a campaign promise I disagreed with. Now that[Read More…]
Why Demilitarize McGill should embrace Remembrance Day
As Remembrance Day approaches, Demilitarize McGill has once again been causing controversy on campus. This year, the group announced a campaign called #RememberThis, which calls for McGill students to physically disrupt or deface sites on campus that memorialize war. Their announcement has sparked both debate and outrage on social media,[Read More…]