Most McGill students would agree that Open Air Pub (OAP) is a great place to commence the semester. It has cold drinks, hot food, live music, and provides the perfect venue to catch up with your friends at the beginning of the school year. But these attractions alone don’t make[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
Commentary: What does Thomas Mulcair stand for?
Arriving back to Montreal in the heat and humidity of late August, I was greeted by hundreds of smiling Thomas Mulcair signs. My mother, who was with me, asked me how many shots it must have taken to make Mulcair look that friendly. She had a point. Prior to the[Read More…]
Editorial: Student mobilization key to addressing youth issues in Federal Election
On Oct. 19, Canadians will decide who will form the government for the next four years. At this time, it is critical that students—and the organizations that represent them—remain informed and engaged. The vicious cycle of low youth voter turnout and subsequent shortage of issues affecting youth and students in[Read More…]
McGill 101: Carving your own space at McGill
The question I constantly asked myself and my peers in my first year at McGill was “What should I do?” Beyond the classroom, how do I strike a balance between social life and schoolwork, and which clubs should I join? We somehow all made it to McGill, yet upon arrival[Read More…]
The greater goal of the Women’s World Cup
It amazes me when girls, many of whom play soccer themselves, say matter-of-factly that they do not like watching women’s soccer as much as men’s. Perhaps those who watched this year’s Women’s World Cup, held in Canada, might now say otherwise, yet by simply looking at my own experiences, it’s[Read More…]
Finding opportunity following McGill undergraduate medical program probation
In recent years McGill has become associated with financial struggles and student protests; most recently, McGill’s name has circulated following the Committee of Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools' (CACMS) decision to put the undergraduate medical program—part of a Faculty that has existed since 1829 and is considered one of the[Read More…]
Considering Canada Day in the context of Bill C-24
Last week, I celebrated my first Canada Day as a new citizen. My family immigrated here a little over five years ago and earlier this year, I took my oath of citizenship. Being Canadian offers opportunities, rights, and privileges that being a citizen of Bangladesh does not. Although I received[Read More…]
The violence of labels in the Baltimore Riots
Before implementing a citywide curfew aimed at alleviating the violence that erupted in Baltimore on April 27, the city’s Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said, “It is very clear there is a difference between what we saw over the past week with the peaceful protests […] and the thugs who only want[Read More…]
Upholding McGill’s student refugee responsibility
The Student Refugee Program (SRP) at McGill is one that few students are aware of. The SRP funds refugees from around the world to come study in Canada. The McGill undergraduate student body currently helps fund two students per year through the program, with a Students’ Society of McGill University[Read More…]
Editorial: SSMU membership within federation necessary to advance students’ interests
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) is currently taking part in discussions to create a new student federation following turmoil within the largest provincial student federation, the Fédération Etudiante Universitaire du Québec (FEUQ). SSMU is currently not a member of FEUQ, but the recent disaffiliation from the federation by[Read More…]