The practice of designing strategies to salvage the reputations of celebrities embroiled in scandals is very common.
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
Commentary: Hysteria over FIPA unwarranted
Two years after the signing of the Foreign Investor Protection Agreement (FIPA), and over a month since it’s ratification, a small but vocal number of Canadians continue to cry out about the FIPA’s supposed perils.
Commentary: Trudeau, far from ideal
Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, has been surfing on a wave of popularity.
Commentary: Moving beyond nuclear stereotypes
The announcement by Lockheed Martin this week that it is developing a comparatively cost-effective nuclear fusion reactor was met with immediate skepticism by environmental groups.
Commentary: Politics or Palestine: What is McGill’s real problem?
There has been no shortage of commentators and students alike talking about the ‘contention’ of last week’s Fall General Assembly (GA). Many have asserted that the source of this dispute was whether or not the Students’ Society of McGill Union (SSMU) should take a ‘political stance’ on what was deemed[Read More…]
Editorial: Divisive General Assembly yet another sign of SSMU-student disconnect
Last Wednesday’s General Assembly (GA) of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) was every bit as big an event as anticipated; with an attendance of over 700 students, the GA drew several times the attendance of several previous assemblies—which often hover around the 100 person quorum.
Commentary: Palestinian plight postponed
The speaker that raised the motion to postpone indefinitely during the Fall 2014 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) General Assembly (GA) said that by postponing indefinitely, “we’re saying we don’t want to touch this. Let’s postpone this [until] forever.”
Editorial: Fall 2014 General Assembly endorsements
Tomorrow (Wednesday) marks the Fall General Assembly of the Students Society of McGill University (SSMU). Here are the Tribune’s endorsements on the four resolutions.
Off the board: Embracing duality
“What’s your background?” As a biracial person, I hear this question at least once a month, or several times a day if I am new to the community.
Commentary: Public prayer in council meetings an intrusion of church into state
The Supreme Court of Canada has reversed its decision regarding the constitutionality of public prayer at municipal council meetings.