On February 4, the Harper government unveiled its proposed Fair Elections Act, which, among other things, claims to simplify regulations, give law enforcement more autonomy, and increase the donation limit to campaigns. One of the more notable provisions would significantly strengthen voter identification requirements and dispose of the previous provision[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
The moral hazard of Birks
I was sitting in a conference in the basement of the Birks building, staring through the floor as the TA mumbled something about critical thinking… and I suddenly noticed that one of my classmates was still wearing his boots. As a rule-following person in general, I’ve followed the Birks rule[Read More…]
Concordia opt-out controversy carries lessons for McGill
The issue of student group fee opt-outs has returned to a university campus, but this time not McGill’s. On Feb. 12, a representative from Concordia’s John Molson School of Business (JMSB) presented two completed petitions to hold referendum questions on student group fees. One of the questions, as reported in[Read More…]
A nuanced approach to equity
Having spent much of my life growing up in the American South, I have experienced a number of events that have made me question my faith in human decency. In middle school, I was called a faggot, a fairy, and a queer—all in the derogatory sense. My classmates had parents[Read More…]
Mockery trivializes North Korean misery
I have never met my grandparents. This isn’t because of family division or irreconcilable differences, but due to an act of terrorism. On Nov. 29, 1987, Korean Airlines flight 858—en route to Seoul from Baghdad—exploded over the Andaman Sea. Two North Korean agents, acting on personal orders from Kim Jong-Il,[Read More…]
Sochi problems: our laughs, their expense
Recent images of unfinished hotel rooms, broken plumbing, and other flaws noticed at the Sochi Games have been the source of much online amusement. However, these @Sochiproblems, a Twitter account started by Canadian journalist Alex Broad, might be more than just silly flaws to poke fun at. In mocking these[Read More…]
Why McGill needs ECOLE
Speaking to students beyond McGill’s tight-knit environmental community, there is one question I encounter often: “Whatever happened to sustainability at McGill?” Awareness around campus of environmental initiatives comes down to three things: space, community outreach, and education—and particularly, the lack of all three. What can be done to improve this[Read More…]
Ringed with doubt
The Olympic opening ceremony is a moment of global attention and high expectations. This pressure came to a head during the ceremony for this year’s Sochi Winter Games with the event’s centrepiece—five flowers which blossomed into the Olympics’ iconic interlocking rings. However, the fifth ring failed to expand with the[Read More…]
The incredible shrinking university
Last week, the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) announced the introduction of a laptop lending program (LLP), similar to the program phased out by McGill’s library system at the beginning of this academic year due to budget cuts. The AUS’ part in this is commendable; they saw a service eliminated by[Read More…]
Regarding our Feb. 11, 2014 editorial
There were several errors in the Tribune’s Feb. 11 editorial as a result of our referencing an out-of-date version of the SSMU Equity Policy. Although the policy was updated in Apr. 2013, the previous March 2012 version was linked to on the official SSMU Equity webpage until the time of press[Read More…]