INTRODUCTION (Ruidi Zhu / McGill Tribune) As the race to the Quebec provincial election on April 7 intensifies, the role that students should play, especially those with a permanent residence outside the province, has become a defining issue in the campaign. Amid allegations of voter suppression against students with out[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
SSMU ‘outreach’ on building fee yet another abdication of duty
“Whereas, without this fee the SSMU would have to cut services to students in order to afford the rent and utilities payments to McGill” This line, snugly hidden within one of the 11 questions posed by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter 2014 referendum and jostling for voter[Read More…]
Fool me twice, shame on SSMU
SSMU has made its fair share of mistakes this year. We messed up frosh. We messed up on the Farnan apology. We certainly messed up on the building referendum. But all these mistakes would pale in comparison to the mistake President Larson seems to be planning on making. A re-referendum[Read More…]
Both a right and a responsibility
This question of the role of the anglophone students’ vote in Quebec provincial elections comes in the wake of accusations against the Parti Québécois for trying to bar anglophone participation in the upcoming elections. Students are being turned away this year for insufficient proof of being “domiciled” in the province.[Read More…]
In election, it’s common ground that matters
With the latest poll from Ipsos Reid showing a decline in support for the Parti Québécois, it is clear that voters are turning away from politicians who seek to divide the people of the province and rely on the fear and fervour created by wedge issues. The question of the[Read More…]
Voter suppression must be stymied at all costs
One would expect voter suppression and the arbitrary application of electoral rules to be the exclusive hallmark of states like North Korea, Syria, or perhaps Russian-controlled Crimea. The reality is we might have more in common with those regimes than we would like to believe. Official voting policy for Quebec[Read More…]
Some of us are wrong: why we need a culture of debate
Relativism is one of the biggest threats to academic rigour in the humanities. Institutions such as the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and the McGill Daily, with their commitment to this dangerous brand of relativism—the concept that truth and morality are not absolute—validate the deep worries about educational trends [Read More…]
EUS Student Space Fund debate
During the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) referendum period, which runs from March 24 to 28, Engineering students will be asked to vote on a referendum question that seeks to create a $15 per semester ($7.50 for part-time students) opt-outable fee for a Student Space Fund (SSF). The SSF would exist[Read More…]
SSMU and PGSS Winter referendum endorsements
SSMU Winter referendum endorsements Click here for our previous reporting on the questions. Disaffiliation from TaCEQ:Yes This motion seeks to disaffiliate the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) from the Table de concertation étudiante du Québec (TaCEQ), a group intended to advocate for student interests at the provincial level.[Read More…]
A microlesson in microaggression: clarifying a misinterpretation
On Dec. 5, the SSMU Legislative Council met and decided that a listserv sent by the SSMU VP Internal Brian Farnan containing a GIF image of Barack Obama kicking down a door served to reinforce the negative stereotypical image of the hyper-masculine aggressive black man. They decided that the Equity[Read More…]