
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

Sexual assault policies must be inclusive, comprehensive

Here at the Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students’ Society’s Advocacy Branch (SACOMSS A-Branch), we commend the stance that McGill has taken towards the recent incidents emailed out on Nov. 21. We are happy that they are committing to creating a co-ordinating role to support survivors of sexual assault,[Read More…]

Our fragmented campus

A term we often hear from time to time—sometimes in the pages of this newspaper—is the idea of the “McGill Community.” While this works best as a tidy phrase to lump together disparate stakeholders—students, faculty, employees, the administration, and alumni—in  most instances, there is no such “McGill community,” so much[Read More…]

Letter: Divest McGill turns one year old

About a year and a half ago, Bill McKibben wrote an article in Rolling Stone magazine outlining the climate crisis and urging the world to take action against its main perpetrator, the fossil fuel industry. This call to action saw the conception of over 400 divestment campaigns around the world,[Read More…]

Making STEM Less Sexist

The overt sexism that was once present in academia has largely  disappeared. Women are finally accorded the same opportunities as men for success, or so it seems. The reality, however, is that subtle vestiges of sexism remain, limiting the ability of female students to reach their maximum potential. Remnants of[Read More…]

Ford sputters in media circus

Rob Ford, with all of his latest foibles, has now achieved worldwide infamy. In just a matter of weeks, the mayor of Toronto has revealed himself to be a crack user,  drunk driver, and ultimately unfit for office. What’s missing in this list of labels the media has conjured? That[Read More…]

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