Last week it was announced that in order to help fund the Faculty of Dentistry’s $18 million move into new facilities on the corner of McGill College Avenue and Sherbrooke, the Dental Students’ Society (DSS) has voted to impose a $2,500-per-semester annual fee on all future members. Although well-intentioned, this fee[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
Fracking, but no peace
Tensions flared last week in New Brunswick as First Nations protesters set police cars ablaze, and threw rocks at RCMP officers in a violent anti-fracking demonstration. An attempt by the federal government to begin fracking on lands of the Elsipogtog First Nation has reopened questions about the legality of federally[Read More…]
A deficit of attention to overdiagnosis
The diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among primary school children has increased dramatically over the past several decades. Twenty years ago, approximately five per cent of American children were thought to have the disorder, compared to 11 per cent this year. While data from the US demonstrates the[Read More…]
Considering the harms of sports culture
Last week, the Tribune ran a feature titled “Why McGill can’t ‘Pack the Stadium,” which discusses the lack of a sports culture at McGill. It argued that the numerous other entertainment options in Montreal, a shortage of athletics funding, and a few specific features of McGill’s athletic facilities, were the[Read More…]
ATI process critical to accountability at McGill and nationwide
On Oct. 7, the province’s Commission d’accès à l’information handed down its ruling in McGill’s case against a group of 14 students who had made multiple Access to Information (ATI) requests to the university. The ruling rejected McGill’s petition for the discretionary power to deny ATI requests the school judged[Read More…]
Quebec plays politics with education
The Quebec provincial government, currently led by the Parti-Quebecois (PQ), has ordered Quebec school boards to make $100 million in budget cuts over the next two years. This is the latest development in what has become a relentless back and forth between provincial policy makers and school officials. It is[Read More…]
SSMU conduct on General Assembly an abdication of duty
Last Wednesday’s Fall General Assembly (GA) of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) was once again marred by staggeringly low attendance. At its peak, the assembly only managed about 50 attendees attendees—far from its 100-member quorum. The apparent absence of an engagement campaign leading up to the event was[Read More…]
The paradox of privilege
The phrase “check your privilege” has been bounced around a lot over the last year at McGill. Take the example of class. Suppose someone says something along the lines of “poor people need to work harder” and their peers will quickly remind them that they need to keep their “privilege[Read More…]
Letter: Not a time to push panic buttons
Tuesday’s “Campus Conversation” item in the Tribune features four students offering their opinions on whether McGill is in decline. The range of responses covered the entire spectrum: definitely, maybe, maybe not, not really. I applaud the fact that our students take the future of our institution seriously. I also applaud[Read More…]
A campus conversation: Is McGill in decline?
Editor's Note In this week's edition of the Campus Conversation series, we convene voices from across McGill to answer the question: Is McGill in decline? The debate sparked on campus in the wake of McGill's noticeable drop in the QS World University Rankings in September left many wondering if the[Read More…]