
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

Safe Spaces on campus do not repress free speech

Last week, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) issued a report on the state of campus free speech in 2012, in which the Calgary-based libertarian think-tank examined the degree and limits to free speech at Canadian universities. The overwhelming majority of schools in the report received failing grades. McGill’s[Read More…]

The Tribune’s stance on the November referenda

Question regarding the CKUT Fee Increase — YES This question proposes a $1 increase in the opt-outable student fee of McGill’s campus-community radio station, CKUT. CKUT’s $4 fee has not increased since 1988. An increase indexed to inflation would bring their fee to $7. As a student-run media outlet that[Read More…]

Being critical of ‘objective facts’

In his article in the Oct. 30 edition of the Ottawa Citizen entitled, “Racism, sexism and classism, oh my,” Bruce Bawer attempts to seriously indict the humanities, citing a widespread presence of ideologically-driven pedagogy. The piece points to Guillermo Martínez de Velasco’s recent piece in the McGill Daily, “You are[Read More…]

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