Last December, we saw a very different side of the Parti Québecois and the students that helped vote it into office than we came to know in 2012. Elected on the shoulders of the student movement, and a recent advocate of accessible education, the PQ struck a major blow against[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
Divest what? The flawed thinking behind university divestment
A large part of the difference in the policy prescriptions that we see from the Left and Right can be attributed to the logic they apply to political and policy problems. In terms of social issues, we see that those on the Right tend to frame problems within an absolutist[Read More…]
Creating (and fighting) for a more heavenly campus
This Christmas Day, my family found ourselves in the Old City of Jerusalem, the historical intersection of the world’s three great monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Although we are Jewish, we walked to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to see what Christmas was like at one of the religion’s[Read More…]
East to West
Two notable Liberal missteps in the past couple of weeks have enflamed regional tensions in Canada. First, MP David McGuinty apologized and resigned from his post as natural resource critic, after suggesting that Conservative MPs with regionally-based views on energy policy should “go back to Alberta.” Shortly thereafter, Justin Trudeau’s[Read More…]
Letter from the Editor
Every week, the Tribune’s editorial board meets to express ourselves beyond each section’s typical jurisdiction. Because the membership of our editorial board changes from year to year, these discussions are a dynamic process, by which we define ourselves as a wide, disparate group united by the same curiosity. At the[Read More…]
Protocol on Demonstrations has no place on our campus
Last Friday, McGill released the first draft of its Protocol on Demonstrations, Protests, and Occupations. Following a period of consultation with the McGill community, it will be presented to Senate for approval on Jan. 23. With the exception of a few minor changes, the draft protocol is identical to the[Read More…]
Crowdsourced canards: Social media and the spread of falsehood
Over the past decade, the entire concept of social media has gone beyond the province of futurists and patent offices, to become a real and tangible part of our lives. Just as quickly, it has grown to be a trusted source of information for many. A recent study by the[Read More…]
Tribune Holiday Wishlist
Heather Munroe-Blum wants to bring back “the warmth. The happiness.” The Tribune wants the Protocol on Demonstrations, Protests, and Occupations removed immediately. The Tribune also wants a $500,000 loan at one per cent interest. (You don’t need to know what it’s for.) The AUS wants more students to attend its[Read More…]
Editorial Dissent—Ideals require solidarity, not indifference
The Tribune’s editorial board was split this week over the concept of legal student strikes. This dissenting editorial argues for students’ right to strike in light of the struggle for accessible higher education in Quebec. We do not agree with the position expressed in this week’s main editorial that the individual[Read More…]
Individual access must be upheld in the right to education
Earlier this month, Parti Québécois (PQ) Education Minister Pierre Duchesne announced a plan to grant student associations the legal right to strike. While it was quickly rebuffed by some in the Quebec political scene, particularly those who saw the move as yet another attempt at political posturing on the part[Read More…]