
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

On campus politics

With AUS elections underway (voting period is from October 4th-10th), debate on the importance of student politics is particularly potent. The recent discussion on student politics in the Tribune has suggested two things: first, there are core reasons we should be politically active on campus; second, political activism helps students[Read More…]

To move forward, CLASSE must condemn violence

If you left home on the rainy afternoon of Sept. 22 and found yourself confused amidst a reiteration of the student protests that reached their height in May, you certainly weren’t alone. Many Montrealers were puzzled by the Saturday protest—after all, hadn’t the newly-elected PQ just rescinded the tuition increase[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

In his recent article, “Moral superiority and student politics,” Abraham Moussako argues that students have no duty to participate in campus politics. I’d like to refute that idea by arguing that judgements about the duty to participate are necessarily made in reference to particular facts about a particular issue.  In[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

As a known student radical and victim of police brutality, I find Abraham Moussako’s Guest Column (“Moral superiority and student politics”) generally callous and presumptuous. In particular (and more relevant to my critique), I found the text personally offensive. In his recent opinion piece, he looks down upon the complex[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

I write this fully admitting that I am a bit of a nerd: I grew up listening to the radio. Mostly I enjoyed the National Public Radio (NPR) in the States, but at the ripe old age of five,   I also happily proclaimed to my dad that our local[Read More…]

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