
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

QI: a bold initiative, but not without costs

McGill Tribune At last week’s senate meeting, the university announced plans to team up with the École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), the Federal government, and the City of Montreal, with the aim of creating the Quartier de l’innovation (QI), a proposed entrepreneurial hub designed to synergies.” The project has several positive[Read More…]

The Referenda results were clear

McGill Tribune The assertion by Professor Mendelson and supported by the McGill Tribune (“Admin was right to refuse the referenda”  Jan. 16, 2012) that the referenda questions run by QPIRG McGill and CKUT 90.3fm were unclear betrays a particularly low estimate of the intelligence of McGill students. We asked students[Read More…]

McGill’s Shortest Course: Premiers 101

Canadian premiers are like janitors: you’re not always sure how they got into the building, or how long exactly they will stay. Yet unlike janitors, our provincial leaders get six-figure salaries and don’t always leave the place clean. In Canada’s federal system they wield a fair amount of power, and[Read More…]

Speech vs. SOPA

The US House’s Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), and its Senate counterpart, the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), began as fairly obscure pieces of legislation. Introduced in October and May of last year respectively, both acts floated under the radar of the news media (and it seems, many congressmen) until last[Read More…]

Admin was right to refuse the referenda

The administration has decided not to recognise the mandates of two recent student referenda, conducted last fall by elections-SSMU concerning McGill’s branch of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG), and CKUT, McGill’s student radio station. The result may be that the referenda are revised and repeated later this semester. [Read More…]

Should journalism ever express opinions?

These past few years have been a time of tumult for most journalistic organizations. Various forms of modern media, such as the Internet and cable television, they have challenged the dominance of print and network television, and have also challenged the orthodoxy of whether “the news” should express an opinion.[Read More…]

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