
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

Crossing the line

Unless, out of sympathy for international labour, you’ve rigged some kind of Rube Goldberg-esque device that delivers the Tribune straight from our printer in Saint-Leonard to your doorstep, it’s safe to assume that you picked this newspaper up somewhere on campus. That means you probably crossed the MUNACA picket line[Read More…]

The unwritten rules of Urinaldom

McGill Tribune Some of humanity’s greatest achievements are rules that have been written-down. Whether on papyrus or webpages, we document how we think things should be run, then we run them accordingly. For predictability and fairness, the Do’s and Dont’s are visibly laid out for all to see. We mobilize[Read More…]

Acclaimed exec positions a growing problem

McGill Tribune In this semester’s debate over whether and how to reform the General Assembly, most of those involved repeatedly stressed their commitment to representative democracy for students at McGill. All proposals for reform were offered in the name of that democracy and its continued improvement. The discourse surrounding student[Read More…]

Don’t fight racism with racism

I always thought there would be glory in being quoted by a major publication. But when an American Spectator blog reposted the opening paragraph of my article last week (“Anti-Semitism is real”) in their own coverage of McGill’s threatening tweets affair, I was disheartened—though not terribly surprised—to see that readers[Read More…]

Blaming rape victims is still not okay

Apparently a topic the Tribune editorialized about a few weeks ago—a Manitoba Justice who used a woman’s clothing and behaviour to justify a lenient rape sentence—is part of a trend when it comes to sex crimes. In Cleveland, Texas, a storm has been brewing around an alleged attack on an[Read More…]

The Times, It Is A-Changin’

When The New York Times announced a couple of weeks ago that it would begin charging readers to access more than 20 stories per month on its website, it didn’t take long for those who knew I was an obsessive reader to start making jokes. Within hours of the announcement,[Read More…]

Student leaders should speak for themselves

McGill Tribune Queen’s University students are set to vote on a referendum question which would recommend to the university council that it move to impeach Nick Day, the university’s elected rector. Day—whose position is the third highest in the university and is mandated to represent students—drew national attention last week[Read More…]

Quebec raises tuition, fines McGill for same

McGill Tribune According to a recent survery released by McGill’s MBA Student Association, 70 per cent of MBA students believe the cost of their program is at or below a reasonable level. When even students are standing up for tuition hikes, that’s when the province needs to stand down. It’s[Read More…]

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