
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

Spam off!

  One of my biggest regrets in university might be how liberal I was with my email address in first year. There’s a mindset that comes from being told over and over again to broaden your horizons and get involved with university life, both valid pieces of advice, which results[Read More…]

The five steps of slactivism

Lately, campus and much of  Montreal have been the stage for quite a number of political and social causes demanding attention. Many—if not most—of these causes are pretty important. A lot of them, such as paying workers fair pensions, are just generally good ideas. If every student was a really[Read More…]

The filling of a bucket

Despite the obligatory pledges to myself that precede every semester, promising that this time will be different, I always end up choosing one or two classes to prioritize over the others. I track down interesting texts mentioned off-handedly by the professor. I start researching the day an assignment is announced.[Read More…]

Revolution: the dress rehearsal

  Imagine my frustration—reclined in shaded grass next to Redpath Museum, newspaper folded in hand—at being subjected to the croaky, amplified ramblings of some student “leader” exhorting the loyal troops to, say it with me now, “Stand up, fight back!” I couldn’t concentrate and, with no classes in the afternoon,[Read More…]

Prevention before punishment

  You know a Montreal news story has blown its lid when it appears in your hometown newspaper in Vermont. That’s been the case with the recent incident at University of Montreal, when business students dressed up in blackface for a back-to-school event, mocked the Jamaican patois language, and chanted[Read More…]

InSite’s success should set a precedent

McGill Tribune   The Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling to permit InSite, a supervised narcotics injection facility, to remain open without prosecution for federal drug law violations, is a progressive step towards helping many of Vancouver’s drug users. The conservative argument—that safe injection sites enable and condone drug use while[Read More…]

Protest needs respect

  Last Wednesday, I attended a student protest in response to the injunction filed against MUNACA. Also last Wednesday, I learned that the pro-MUNACA student movement on campus, a movement I personally supported and felt a part of, is not as empathetic as it seems.  The protest started off, as[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

  Tadamon! states that Hezbollah plays many roles in society, like providing daycare services to poor families. I can think of a few more roles, such as using women and children as human shields, and firing rockets from densely populated areas. Hezbollah has been linked to hundreds of terror attacks[Read More…]

LGBTQ rights are Canadian values

McGill Tribune   On Sept. 24 the National Post ran an ad by the Institute for Canadian Values which opposed the inclusion of transsexual, transgender, intersexed, and Two-spirited issues   in the Ontario school curriculum taught to children between junior kindergarten and Grade 3.  The ad consisted of a photo[Read More…]

Letters to the Editor

    We would like to respond to one attack against QPIRG in particular coming from the Opt-Out campaigners. One of the “arguments” these campaigners use to convince students to opt out of QPIRG McGill’s $3.75/semester fee levy is their opposition to an “anti-Canada day” reference in the School Schmool[Read More…]

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