
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

September 11 is not a political tool

McGill Tribune The Harper government’s decision to reintroduce two controversial  clauses of the Anti-Terrorism Act (Bill C-36) in the House of Commons this past week is no small coincidence.  At a time when the 2001 attacks on the United States are on everyone’s mind, and every media source features news[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

Dear Mr. Kreitner, I was disappointed to read your claim that “the new SSMU team […] would ideally have us all joining MUNACA in its strike for fairer pay, and thus would have us miss classes until whenever the disagreement is resolved” [“Crossing the line,” September 7]. The SSMU Executive[Read More…]

Crime TV too real for me

To all of those TV junkies who have recently taken up a nightly routine of watching prime-time crime shows such as Criminal Minds, CSI, and CSI Miami (also known as the better CSI), I come to you with a grave, grave warning: too much exposure to police procedural dramas is[Read More…]

Quebec right to drop $2 million fine

McGill Tribune The tuition beast has once again reared its ugly head, in both our Minerva statements and campus politics, as the Ministry of Education recently rescinded a $2 million fine it had slapped on McGill for a tuition hike. McGill’s MBA program tuiton was  increased to $32,000 for all[Read More…]

Resolution in the best interest of students

McGill Tribune Some may say that a university is only as strong as its professors and researchers, but there’s an argument that the backbone of any school is made up of a less celebrated group: the administrative, technical, and logistical staff who run the libraries, the tech programs, the labs;[Read More…]

An accidental editor

I was really lame when I was a first year. In fact, I’m still a square compared to the Froshies who were outside my building late last night. I had a difficult time finding extracurriculars when I arrived three years ago. Bar hopping in first year on St.  Laurent was[Read More…]

College Mindset

Every year Beloit College releases a new College Mindset List.  Compiled by a professor and administrator, the 75-item list is a summary of sociocultural entities which the incoming freshman class may take for granted because of their age.  The umbrella of topics is broad; some are banal, some insightful, and[Read More…]

Crossing the line

Unless, out of sympathy for international labour, you’ve rigged some kind of Rube Goldberg-esque device that delivers the Tribune straight from our printer in Saint-Leonard to your doorstep, it’s safe to assume that you picked this newspaper up somewhere on campus. That means you probably crossed the MUNACA picket line[Read More…]

Don’t fight racism with racism

I always thought there would be glory in being quoted by a major publication. But when an American Spectator blog reposted the opening paragraph of my article last week (“Anti-Semitism is real”) in their own coverage of McGill’s threatening tweets affair, I was disheartened—though not terribly surprised—to see that readers[Read More…]

Blaming rape victims is still not okay

Apparently a topic the Tribune editorialized about a few weeks ago—a Manitoba Justice who used a woman’s clothing and behaviour to justify a lenient rape sentence—is part of a trend when it comes to sex crimes. In Cleveland, Texas, a storm has been brewing around an alleged attack on an[Read More…]

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