
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

Letter to the Editor

Re: Fighting the anti-free speech Frenzy (editorial, November 23, 2010) November 23rd’s Editorial, “Fighting the anti-free speech frenzy,” is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the legal concept of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a negative freedom: the government (or university) cannot censor or forbid speech that it[Read More…]

Don’t touch my junk, bro

McGill Tribune Don’t be surprised if you run into increasingly shocking and obtrusive security measures at airports this holiday season, courtesy of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), a body of the United States Government.  The latest twist in the ongoing farce of increased airport security measures is the installation of[Read More…]

De-classy-fy BDP!

There are few places in Montreal that feel like home. Bars, mostly. One has such a special place in my heart that when it went through a renovation last year, I was nearly distressed. Would my favourite bar change? Would it become a spot where I was no longer welcome?[Read More…]

Airport security is essential

Every time I go through security, I get a complete check: shoes and jacket off, my bag is always searched. I still beep and wait patiently while airport personnel check me with the metal detector. On a recent trip home, it was  clear that I had nothing on me but[Read More…]

Miss Middleton and the good prince

For once, dear reader, I get to take off my conservative colours and write about something agreeable. Last week, the Crown in Britain announced the engagement of His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales to Kate Middleton, his girlfriend of eight years. I am absolutely overjoyed at the news, as[Read More…]

Three’s a crowd

Student #1: In addressing this popular topic, I don’t intend to touch on the classic male fantasy involving two women simultaneously fulfilling his deepest desires. Such a situation is more fantasy than reality, and I find it rather disrespectful towards women. Keep in mind, respect is the golden rule when[Read More…]

The failures of “fail”

We’ve all seen it happen before. You dropped some books or spilt your coffee only to have your irritation and slight embarrassment punctuated by some giddy opportunist chiming in with a cringe worthy four-letter f-word: “Fail!” Aside from being grammatically incorrect, the real problem is the term’s origin. What was[Read More…]

Editorial: Abdelrazik deserves his day in court

The Tribune applauds the Federal Court’s recent decision permitting Montreal resident Abousfian Abdelrazik to sue the Canadian government for $27 million. A Sudanese-born Canadian citizen, Abdelrazik was visiting his sick mother in Khartoum in 2003 when he was arrested by Sudanese authorities, at the request of the Canadian government, for[Read More…]

Editorial: McGill was wrong to close Architecture Cafe

Almost exactly three years after the Architecture Café lost its independence, McGill students looking for a cheap sandwich or coffee found its doors locked last week. The closure of the café is disconcerting both because of the loss of a popular, reasonably priced, and student-managed venture offering some of the[Read More…]

A Plea for Diversity

In my high school creative writing class, we were taught the difference between prose and verse. These two main literary techniques have very different purposes. Prose is considered the “straightforward” form of language, while verse can be complicated and harder to understand. Since high school I’ve repeatedly returned to this[Read More…]

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