McGill Tribune It started slowly: the clicking of a pen here, the answering of cell phone there. Then it rippled out and gathered speed: the disregard for library etiquette is growing into a tidal wave. We need to stop it before it gets there. It might just be my Spidey[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
Alcohol for the win!
McGill Tribune Crack cocaine smiled euphorically. Heroin snorted from nervous laughter. Alcohol slugged and slurred. Standing under the blinding floodlights of the stage, all three finalists joined shaking hands and braced for the moment of truth. Who will claim the title of “the worst drug in the world?” Last week,[Read More…]
The Trib’s referendum endorsements
McGill Tribune Referendum Question Regarding SACOMSS Fee Renewal—YES This referendum question proposes the routine, tri-annual approval of the 75-cent opt-outable fee that funds the Sexual Assault Centre of McGill Students’ Society. SACOMSS provides a good and important service to the McGill community, and the Tribune endorses this motion wholeheartedly. If[Read More…]
Remembrance Day should be a stat holiday
McGill Tribune Ottawa MPP Lisa MacLeod wants Remembrance Day to be a statutory holiday in Ontario. She may be on to something. Federal employees already get the day off, as do workers in five provinces and all three territories. Remembrance Day is an important day for the rest of the[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor
In a House of Commons committee on Monday, a proud legacy of McGill students was crippled. Since 2003, McGill students have been the leading edge of Canadian civil society clamoring for Parliament to allow Canadian generic drug companies to produce low-cost medicines for people in poor countries. This solution would[Read More…]
James Square – The Last Metal Handrails on Campus
When I arrived at McGill, many years ago, things were a lot different. New Rez was new, students were lobbying against tuition increases, and the administration didn’t feel the need to dig giant holes in order to make me three minutes late to every class. Since that time, things have[Read More…]
Journalist or jester: Is Jon Stewart relevant anymore?
On Saturday, October 30, Jon Stewart hosted his Rally to Restore Sanity
on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Today, two Tribune editors face off on whether
Jon Stewart has anything important to contribute to American political debate.
Sperm donors must remain anonymous
The Supreme Court of British Columbia is currently deciding whether Olivia Pratten’s inability to access the identity and medical records of her unwitting biological father—a sperm donor 28 years ago—violates her constitutional rights to “life, liberty, and security of person.” Pratten, a reporter for the Canadian Press, sued to[Read More…]
SSMU is right to take political positions
At the Students’ Society Council meeting last Wednesday, SSMU voted in favour of a motion to “stand in solidarity” with the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill, or AGSEM, as they push to unionize course lecturers. Some councillors raised concerns about SSMU being too political and the motion being[Read More…]
Release health records, not identities
McGill Tribune The Supreme Court of British Columbia is currently deciding whether Olivia Pratten’s inability to access the identity and medical records of her unwitting biological father—a sperm donor 28 years ago—violates her constitutional rights to “life, liberty, and security of person.” Pratten, a reporter for the Canadian Press, sued[Read More…]