
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

Readers Are the New Writers

The dissemination of news has always been intertwined with sensationalism and manipulation. There have been sex scandals and inflammatory whodunits since the dawn of the modern newspaper in 16th century Europe and even in the news-like outlets of ancient Rome. Similarly, everyone from kings to corporations to Glenn Beck has[Read More…]

Scrap the Montreal metro cars deal

McGill Tribune Last Thursday the Quebec National Assembly passed Bill 116, permitting the provincial government to hand a $1.22 billion contract for the construction of 468 new Montreal metro cars to a consortium led by Bombardier without going through a bidding process. This bill was proposed by the government and[Read More…]

To the African in you

McGill Tribune “The darkest thing about Africa has always been our ignorance of it.” -George Kimbel Five years remain for the United Nations to achieve an ambitious set of goals mapped out 10 years ago. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), ratified in September 2000, aimed to slash the percentage of[Read More…]

The Trib likes it on Facebook only if it works

McGill Tribune If you’ve logged onto Facebook in the last week, you’ve likely seen at least one person with a status that reads “I like it on ______.”  Despite its sexual connotations, this status is supposed to refer to where a woman likes to put her purse, and is part[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

Thanks for the well-written story about the boycott (“SSMU will support campus food boycott,” October 5). I hope it raises awareness on campus, and as I see from the nice poll on your website, people seem fairly supportive of the SSMU boycott. However, the story credited me with starting the[Read More…]

Exile Above New York

The view at night from the roof of my sister’s apartment building in midtown Manhattan is like looking down from one of the higher clouds in heaven at the other angels living out their merry lives below. There are no problems up there, nor does there seem to be any[Read More…]

A Woman’s Right to Sex

Much to the chagrin of prudes, puritans, and everyone in between, the “Fuck List” of a recent Duke graduate was recently leaked on the Internet. The list, dubbed a “senior thesis” by creator Karen Owen (or as I shall soon need to call her, Hester Prynne), contained an in-depth analysis[Read More…]

Arch Cafe, Martyr

I don’t care about the Architecture Café. Maybe I’m a traitor and you hate me and I’m completely wrong, but at least I’m honest. All the protesting and rallies meant little to me even after I found out the café was the only student-run food spot on campus. I understand[Read More…]

Confidence and Female Achievement

When it comes to diversity in politics, Canada has a long way to go. This is true even compared to the United States. Only one woman has ever been elected as a premier in Canada, and we’ve had only one female prime minister. The U.S., on the other hand, currently[Read More…]

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