Eight referenda and a plebiscite question appear on the Students’ Society winter electoral ballot. After careful deliberation, the Tribune editorial board has endorsed a position on each of the questions. Our candidate endorsements appear on pages 10 & 11.
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
SSMU Election Endorsement: VP University Affairs – David Lipsitz
The Tribune strongly endorses David Lipsitz for the position of vice-president university affairs. While we were impressed with the content of Joshua Abaki’s interview with the Tribune and with his performance at the candidate debates, the editorial board ultimately decided that Lipsitz’s familiarity with the UA portfolio and the tangible, practical nature of his platform goals make him the stronger candidate.
SSMU Election Endorsement: VP Finance & Operations – Nicholas Drew
Though he is an acclaimed candidate, the Tribune is pleased to endorse Nicholas Drew for the position of vice-president finance and operations. Drew, who was encouraged to run by current VP Finance and Operations Jose Díaz, seems ready to build on Díaz’s accomplishments.
SSMU Election Endorsement: VP Clubs & Services – Anushay Khan
Although the vice-president clubs and services position is acclaimed, the Tribune strongly endorses Anushay Khan. Thanks to her tenure as SSMU’s interest group coordinator, Khan is likely the most qualified individual for the position. She is familiar with the day-to-day workings of SSMU, the organization’s policies, and also with the executive and members of many clubs.
THE SITUATION: How sweet it is to be in love with pop culture
I’m in love with popular culture. Professing my love for the things that everybody else likes makes me completely uninteresting, yet also remarkably controversial. But then again, love is love. It’s a fickle fancy. There are legitimate gripes with popular culture, such as it’s intense corporatization and rampant materialism.
SSMU Election Endorsement: VP Internal – Tom Fabian
Tom Fabian has both experience and connections, which is why the Tribune is endorsing him for the position of vice-president internal – with some reservations. Fabian has extensive experience with Athletics. He’s been the president of the Varsity Council, represented athletics at SSMU Council, and created the surprisingly successful group Red Thunder, which organizes fan support for McGill games.
SSMU Election Endorsement: VP External – Myriam Zaidi
In the last two years the SSMU vice-president external has played a less visible role in student life. But next year, because of the provincial government’s proposed tuition hikes, the external portfolio will likely take centre stage. Fortunately, there’s one candidate with the experience to tackle this complicated issue – Myriam Zaidi, who the Tribune strongly endorses for the position of SSMU VP external.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Combatting false parallels
Re: “Supressing debate: Ontario’s language politics” by Max Silverman (2.3.10) In his article, Max Silverman relies on two ad hominem arguments instead of critically analyzing the relevant issues. To me, and clearly the Ontario legislature, Peter Shurman’s judgment of the event “Israeli Apartheid Week” was accurate.
Letters from the Editors
If you spend a lot of time complaining about McGill for its lack of or poorly run programs and student life, you would be a hypocrite to not vote YES for the Tribune’s independence. Okay, hypocrite’s a bit strong. But the point is, I spent a lot of time complaining about just that over my time at McGill.
COMMENTARY: Why we need the Trib
Let’s talk about accountability. I realize that sounds about as enticing as “let’s shovel horse manure” or “let’s talk about our relationship,” but bear with me. Right now, a student politician is wasting your money. Or maybe – if it’s a good day – they’re just saying something stupid on your behalf.