
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

AMUSE vote leaves some students in the dark

The Association of McGill University Support Employees is now the official union of McGill’s non-academic casual workers, receiving accreditation from the Quebec Labour Board last month. An October mail-in vote of eligible employees resulted in an overwhelming 85 per cent of casual workers voting in favour of the union.

FRESH HELL: Die “Hipster” die

Dear Diary, Over the winter break, I was called a hipster for wearing a high-waisted skirt and glasses and then found out that Joey Jeremiah only asked me out as a joke and I totally fell for it. I was so embarrassed!! I just wanted to DIE. My life is so sucky.

MY POINT … AND I DO HAVE ONE: Bring it on, 2010

2009 was a wretched year. On a personal level, it was full of injury, emotional rollercoasters of human interaction, far too much time spent on academics, and the deaths of some very special people to me. And for the world, 2009 saw the entrenchment of superficially humanized global American military domination with the coronation of Emperor Obama.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: PGSS Council sounds fun

Re: “Letter to the editor: Can we go too?” by Matthew Hodgetts (24.11.09) Regarding whether the PGSS Executive has a firm foundation upon which to base reforms to the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), here are a few examples illustrating that the PGSS does, in fact, practice the democratic basics on our home turf.

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