
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

Campus Conversation: Finding power in representation

For many students on campus, university can be an isolating place. The McGill Tribune Opinion section asked marginalized students to write about their personal experiences with representation, or a lack thereof, to answer the question, “Where do students find representation, and how do they create spaces for themselves?”   Leina[Read More…]

Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Executive Midterm Reviews

Tre Mansdoerfer, President Though the executive team faced a significant obstacle this year with the closure of the SSMU building, under Mansdoerfer’s leadership,  they have addressed this problem effectively by relocating clubs and securing a lease on 680 Sherbrooke for student use. His continued work on governance reform, a fall[Read More…]


One-tweet wonder

The thought of achieving any form of popularity had always seemed light-years away for someone like myself who is accustomed to mediocrity. I had never found the prospect of widespread admiration particularly attractive to begin with. As cliché as it sounds, external validation has always seemed a little shallow to[Read More…]

PGSS executive midterm reviews

Helena Zakrzewski, Secretary-General Zakrzewski ran on a platform of improving mental health services for graduate students, increasing support for international students, and re-engaging society members. Over the past semester, she has overseen and supported the initiatives of other PGSS councillors while undertaking an extensive evaluation of PGSS governance bodies. Zakrzewski[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor: No, there is no “quest for monolingual domination” in Québec

Letter to the Editor: The wrong elephant in the room

Morality and politics are inextricably tied. In Plato’s Republic, the political arrangement of the city-state serves to elucidate justice and the Good, positioning politics as ontologically prior to morality—a relationship that also seems to hold in Marxist thought. In utilitarian thought—and much of contemporary conceptions of politics— morality comes first[Read More…]

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