
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

Why students don’t care about SSMU

It’s that time of year again: Your friends from rez and frosh are inviting you to Facebook events and announcing their candidacy for various Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) positions. But, despite their well-lit headshots and carefully-worded bios and platforms, voter turnout in recent SSMU elections suggests that most[Read More…]

Ontario government: Local research models matter, too

Ontario universities are currently working with the provincial government to create and fulfill Strategic Mandate Agreements, the goals of which are to “[build] on current strengths and to help drive system-wide objectives and government priorities.” Part of this process is evaluating a university’s research using bibliometrics—the quantitative analysis of journal[Read More…]

McGill must prioritize learning outside of the classroom

University students often struggle to find stable employment in their field of study post-graduation, but incorporating experiential learning into post-secondary education can give students the marketable skills and valuable experience they need to succeed. In its essence, experiential learning means learning-by-doing, rather than acquiring knowledge through lecture and reading-based instruction.[Read More…]

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