
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.

McGill must protect its queer students and stand against growing bigotry

On Feb. 22, 2024, the town of Westlock, Alberta, voted to prohibit rainbow crosswalks and flying anything other than government flags. This measure is yet another recent example of Canadian politicians implementing homophobic and transphobic policies, all of which normalize hatred against queer communities. The Westlock decision came after Alberta[Read More…]

From hypermasculinity to policy advisor: McGill’s alarming choice for Indigenous oversight

In 2022, McGill University began on-site work at the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) site, in service of the New Vic Project. They proposed the expansion project would facilitate “state-of-the-art research”; however, the McGill administration failed to complete a thorough survey of the area and investigate the possibility of unmarked graves[Read More…]

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