Amid the throngs of Frosh shirts and the oceans of newly-purchased McGill merchandise that mark Orientation Week, there is another sight that stands out on campus during the last week of August: A white T-shirt emblazoned with the Harvard University crest and captioned, “Harvard: America’s McGill.” Virtually every McGill student[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
The McGill community must confront the fentanyl crisis—or risk fatal consequences
McGill Frosh week just ended. It’s September’s biggest party, and, for many students, a comprehensive introduction to the school’s drinking and drug culture. Healthy McGill, Floor Fellows, and other student leaders encourage first-years to have fun, but be safe—they acknowledge that some young people do drugs, and emphasize harm reduction over lecturing[Read More…]
Surround yourself with people who inspire you
You’ve heard the same question a million times: “What’s your dream job?” Somehow, the answer is never, “Working as a summer intern for a relatively unknown brand!” As a young adult, my answer to the question often mirrors ordinary expectations of success, in the hopes that one day, all of[Read More…]
OAP: A chronicle of a day at the happiest place on Earth
The scene is set: The year is 2017, the location not Three Bares Park because the McGill construction bug has fled from McTavish to infiltrate the rest of campus, and Open Air Pub (OAP) is in full swing. You are wearing your best attempt at a summer outfit. If you[Read More…]
Stand-up comedy has a sensitivity problem—here’s what you can do about it
“Be sure to check any and all political correctness at the door!” read the press release for one two-week running show at Montreal’s 35th annual Just For Laughs comedy festival. As though the industry has developed a reflex against audience members they perceive to be overly sensitive, it’s not uncommon[Read More…]
Responding to hate: The danger of condemning without conversing
On Aug. 12, a peaceful protester named Heather Heyer lost her life and many others were injured by the senseless rage of a 20-year-old white male at a white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia. Following the abhorrent scene, on Aug. 13, GoDaddy, the web hosting company of an American neo-nazi[Read More…]
Andrew Scheer’s proposal to protect campus free speech creates more problems than it solves
In the (perhaps unlikely) event that any students followed the recent Conservative Party federal leadership race, they would surely have noticed one of the more unconventional promises made by Andrew Scheer, the man who now leads the Conservative caucus. During his bid for the party's leadership, Scheer vowed that if[Read More…]
Look out, Trudeau: NDP’s Singh on the come up
In 2019, Canadians from coast to coast will vote on their next prime minister. Current PM and Liberal party leader Justin Trudeau stepped into his role as PM after winning 39.5 per cent of the vote in the 2015 election. But a lot has changed in the past two years.[Read More…]
Why it pays to slow down this summer
Remember your elementary school summers? When school was out and the living was easy? Goodbye, long division–hello ice cream sandwiches, sleepover camp, and Saturday morning swimming lessons. As an undergraduate student, summers are sort of like those swimming lessons. Except instead of learning to float on your back, someone just[Read More…]
Judicial independence should not be compromised for executive goals
When Prime Minister Stephen Harper left office in 2015, he left a legacy of politicizing the judiciary. Harper reformed the way judges are appointed to concentrate power in the federal government and pursue policy goals. Current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has used similar tactics for his own agenda. A PM[Read More…]