As part of the integration of McGill Mental Health and Counselling Services (MHCMS), medical notes are no longer available for students who use drop-in appointments unless their case falls under the criteria for the newly designated “Safety Appointment.” Although the change prioritizes support for students who urgently need it in order[Read More…]
Opinions from our editorial board and contributors.
Quality vs quantity: Questioning workload at McGill
It seems like no matter what you study at McGill—English, Finance, Physics, or Nursing—you often find yourself with an infeasible volume of readings, practice exercises, pre-labs, or online quizzes. It’s hard to imagine that the professors assigning the work really believe that their students will be able to finish it[Read More…]
The social hangover of McGill’s drinking culture
I was at a café the other week, trying to decide between one croissant or two croissants, when I found myself confronted with an all-too-frequent crisis—I was faced with a familiar face, but no name to put to it. Luckily, she seemed to be in the same dilemma. We locked[Read More…]
A plea to disgruntled Americans at McGill
It has taken quite a lot of time for me to process what this election means for myself and for my country. I have felt everything from sadness to anger to fear to nausea. The most qualified presidential candidate in the history of our nation was defeated by a man[Read More…]
Why isn’t mental health the top priority at McGill?
On Oct. 24, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) hosted a Q&A panel to address questions regarding the state of mental health at McGill. Only 16 students attended the panel out of a population of over 39,000. Whether the low attendance rate was due to the stress of midterms[Read More…]
Tipping should be phased out
When I was sixteen, I worked as a cashier at a local bakery on Saturday and Sunday mornings, the two busiest days of the week. I would often leave work with $40 USD or more—just about half a shift’s wage—shoved in my pocket, mostly wrinkled dollar bills that were stuffed[Read More…]
The official guide to becoming a McGill gym bro
I am compelled to thank all of the McGill gym bros who have approached me over the past four years for teaching me how to work out. Your generosity consists of stopping me mid-set to critique my form, asking me which of my boyfriends taught me how to lift weights,[Read More…]
When hate trumps hope
On the morning of Nov. 8, I awoke with an overwhelming sense of pride and excitement over the possibility—in my head, it was almost a certainty—of a woman in the White House. After 44 male presidents, an incredibly qualified woman was about to claim the 45th spot and change the[Read More…]
In appreciation of the McGill Library
When I look at the McGill Library, I am grateful for its extensive variety of academic sources, which have been vital to my studies. Recently, the University of Ottawa decided to cancel thousands of individual journal and database subscriptions in order to make up for a $1.5 million budget shortfall[Read More…]
Fall 2016 SSMU Referendum Endorsements
The Motion Regarding Free Menstrual Hygiene Products Fee and Health and Hygiene Products Fund: “Yes” As the Tribune has previously argued, the Free Menstrual Hygiene Products Fee would provide significant benefits to all McGill students. By helping to promote equal access to education, the motion effectively benefits all members of the[Read More…]