HBO’s Girls aired for the last time on April 16. The series finale, titled “Latching” which garnered a wide array of reactions from film and TV critics, featured main character Hannah Horvath (Lena Dunham) in the early stages of motherhood, assisted by her best friend Marnie Michaels (Allison Williams). In[Read More…]
Reflections: Motherless on Mother’s Day
Now, when I reflect upon my life, I see it in two distinct periods: Life with my mom and life without my mom. This division represents the unwelcome change that seeped into every domain of my life. Nothing was the same anymore—birthdays, Christmases, school, my home, my family, even myself—all realms of my life had changed.
What faith is your fashion? Looking into Forever 21’s hidden religious undertones
As a presumed general rule of consumer culture, products are available for sale to any interested buyer and businesses are motivated primarily by economic profit; however, in recent years it has come to light that some multinational corporations subliminally promote religious agendas through their product lines and, for the most[Read More…]
Tackling digital clutter: Why virtual file organization matters and how you can achieve it
When I started studying at McGill, I could not have anticipated the amount of digital clutter I would amass in my time here. My laptop was my go-to device; it served as my notebook, my planner, and my coursepack all at once. But by the end of my second semester,[Read More…]
Tim Raines: An unlikely journey to Cooperstown
It was a long journey for former Expos left fielder Tim Raines—from the end of his playing days in 2002 to finally walking out onto the Olympic Stadium turf on the evening of March 31 as part of the 2017 MLB Hall of Fame class.
My new beginning: How I transferred to McGill
Transferring to a new university is not a decision to make on a whim. If you are coming from outside of Canada, as I was, it can be an even bigger challenge, but I am proof that transferring is feasible, and that it can be the best decision of your[Read More…]
From Second Cup to Milton B: A new beginning for the Milton-Parc cafe
In February 2017, the 24-hour Second Cup on rue Milton and Avenue du Parc boarded its walls and announced its permanent closure. For 12 years, it served as more than just a coffee shop. With a high percentage of McGill students living in the Milton-Parc community, the cafe was a[Read More…]
Affirmations for your new beginning
Art history student takes art to the streets under pseudonym Sloast
Instead of hibernating in McLennan, the student artist known as Sloast has spent her graduating year steadily building up a fan base. With 1,300 Instagram followers, her support is strong and growing. She was featured in The Market Cooperative in the Students’ Society McGill University’s (SSMU) ballroom where she first[Read More…]
The mysterious world beyond Roddick Gates: Apprehension in the face of New Beginnings
As the end of the year approaches, many McGill students will venture out of the world of undergraduate studies. Yet even after convocation, many choose to return to university, this time for graduate school. While going to grad school can be a fun and rewarding experience, social pressure to earn[Read More…]