McGill Tribune More than 65,000 students from CEGEPs and universities across Quebec are currently on strike in opposition to the Quebec government’s plans to raise tuition fees. Classes at the University of Montreal, UQAM, and Laval have been cancelled. The key question is: should McGill join the strike? The idea[Read More…]
Girls’ Generation: The Boys
The first North American album release by Korean dance-pop group Girls’ Generation (or SNSD), The Boys caps off SNSD’s five-year rise to stardom since their Korean debut in 2007, landing them a label spot with Universal—home to Lady Gaga and Eminem. The titular track is the album’s flagship, and the[Read More…]
A Separation stands alone Oscar-winning A Separation is a movie that discreetly avoids the inveterate handicap plaguing large-scale commercial films. While Hollywood blockbusters typically attempt to tell cinematic epics scaled to Homeric proportions, they falter when sincere subject matter is lost amidst the one-upsmanship clashes between special effects, sentimentality, or the primordial intensity[Read More…]
The danger of the anecdote
The anecdote has its place. It is sometimes the only way to illustrate stark, numbing statistics to a reader. The problem with the anecdote, however, is when it takes over from hard data and honest analysis. In such cases, the anecdote becomes a pernicious a tool for lazy, deceptive, and[Read More…]
Why I’m against an unlimited student strike
The proposal of an unlimited student strike by arts students is certainly cause for concern. On Jan. 31, the AUS General Assembly saw heated debate regarding the creation of an AUS strike committee. One of the biggest concerns raised was the issue of whether or not students actually want to[Read More…]
We don’t need to fight a 200-year-old battle to know who we are
It is the year 1812. Yankee soldiers, some waving gigantic versions of the Red, White, and Blue, storm northwards under the auspices of a Greater Power. As a blazing sun sets on Upper and Lower Canada, budding Canadians everywhere yield to the call to keep their True North strong and[Read More…]
Thinking of an animal house?
We’ve all been there, standing in front of the pet store, staring at those tiny balls of fur we call kittens, watching them roll about, or at the SPCA staring into the eyes of a puppy that’s begging you to take him home. But, as a student who’s low on[Read More…]
Take the bull by the horns at Chez Serge Where in Montreal can you find the obscure combination of drinks served in sand pails, ‘90s rock music, and a mechanical bull? If the answer isn’t obvious, let me tell you about the existence of the charming little establishment known as Chez Serge. For those who are unfamiliar[Read More…]
Montreal-based firm unveils new crowdsourcing app Have you ever wondered what others around you in public spaces are thinking? Ever wanted to let fellow mall-goers know just how terrible you found a meal at the food court? A Montreal-based startup has just launched an innovative new mobile application which hopes to forever change the face[Read More…]
Online game gets real work done Completing a multiple sequence alignment—a way of arranging the sequences of DNA, RNA, or protein to identify regions of similarity—is an age-old problem in genetics. To tackle this task, two bioinformaticians at the McGill Centre of Informatics have employed a somewhat unconventional method. They decided to make an online[Read More…]