
Microsoft chief research officer comes to McGill

Ryan Resiert Craig Mundie, Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer, spoke at McGill last Friday about the future of human-computer interaction and Microsoft’s contributions to the field. Many students anxiously awaited the talk, including Joel Cheverie, a U0 mathematics student. “I use Microsoft [products] everyday and so I want to[Read More…]

Where to study during midterms this semester

Ryan Reisert Ryan Reisert Midterm season is officially upon us. Everyone has a different study style, but sometimes getting into the groove is difficult, especially if the weather is as nice as it was over Thanksgiving weekend. To help get you started (or if it’s the night before your midterm[Read More…]

Ontario votes and Liberals win minority government

Dalton McGuinty and the Liberal Party of Ontario won their third consecutive Provincial election last Thursday night, clinching victory despite Ontarians’ preference for Conservative Party candidates in recent federal and Toronto mayoral elections. The result marks McGuinty’s third term as Premier but only the first in a minority government, after[Read More…]

Arguably hits hard

Living alone in first year, pushed strongly toward my introverted side by the solitude, I found a strange kind of comfort watching the YouTube videos of essayist Christopher Hitchens lecturing and debating the opposition. An overweight, potentially drunk, white-suited, occasionally bearded, smart-aleck British ex-pat eviscerating rabbis and theologians, dropping opinions[Read More…]

Don’t burn down the justice system

They’re finally doing it. The Conservative government, despite the colossus of evidence brought forth by enraged Canadians and the warnings of our neighbours to the south, is cracking down on crime in the most draconian way possible. The Safe Streets and Communities Act, which will appear in Parliament this fall,[Read More…]

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