
The ink on your fingers

Why do we read student newspapers? Why do we, every week, pick up any of the campus publications and question, judge, accept, or concur with the articles inside? We are offended by them. We are amused by them. They give us something to do between classes, while sitting down for[Read More…]

Cultural critics face off at Walrus debate

Two prominent cultural critics squared off at the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts on Wednesday, arguing about—and, more often than not, agreeing on—how best to promote the arts in Montreal. The debate, hosted by McGill and The Walrus, a monthly publication that fancies itself “Canada’s Best Magazine,” was planned[Read More…]

Our shared stories

When I began writing for the Tribune, I was given certain responsibilities: to express myself clearly, to write on issues that interested students, and to comment on the events occurring around me. After my first column, I realized that the thing I loved most—writing—was much harder than it seemed. The[Read More…]

SSMU execs prepare for the year ahead

While most students are looking forward to a relaxing summer, the incoming Students’ Society executive is hard at work.  Maggie Knight, Shyam Patel, Emily Clare, Carol Fraser, Joël Pedneault, and Todd Plummer will be training until June 1, when they will officially assume their positions. Current SSMU President Zach Newburgh[Read More…]

Open Mic at the Wax Museum

She’s looking across the table at me, but only because she’s trying not to look at him. We met a couple weeks ago at some friend’s friend’s party and got to talking about our mutual hatred of our Russian Lit. conference. (I recognized her right away but I let her[Read More…]

Tax filing for students

As exam time coincides with tax season, filing a tax return is the last thing on students’ minds. It’s unlikely that many students will file before the deadline on April 30. Furthermore, many students think they don’t need to file a tax return because they don’t make enough money to[Read More…]

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