Does the slowly rising Canadian economy indicate better job prospects for university students and recent graduates? A recent New York Times article on the unprecedented number of unpaid and often illegal internships held by college students might be of concern for Americans, but things up here seem to be in[Read More…]
The ink on your fingers
Why do we read student newspapers? Why do we, every week, pick up any of the campus publications and question, judge, accept, or concur with the articles inside? We are offended by them. We are amused by them. They give us something to do between classes, while sitting down for[Read More…]
Cultural critics face off at Walrus debate
Two prominent cultural critics squared off at the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts on Wednesday, arguing about—and, more often than not, agreeing on—how best to promote the arts in Montreal. The debate, hosted by McGill and The Walrus, a monthly publication that fancies itself “Canada’s Best Magazine,” was planned[Read More…]
Our shared stories
When I began writing for the Tribune, I was given certain responsibilities: to express myself clearly, to write on issues that interested students, and to comment on the events occurring around me. After my first column, I realized that the thing I loved most—writing—was much harder than it seemed. The[Read More…]
SSMU execs prepare for the year ahead
While most students are looking forward to a relaxing summer, the incoming Students’ Society executive is hard at work. Maggie Knight, Shyam Patel, Emily Clare, Carol Fraser, Joël Pedneault, and Todd Plummer will be training until June 1, when they will officially assume their positions. Current SSMU President Zach Newburgh[Read More…]
Winters ago
Four winters ago, after class on a clear day in December, my friend Jack and I hiked up the northeastern side of Mount Royal in the snow. It was cold, but the ascent was steep—we were making our own path—and we warmed up fast enough, enjoying deep breaths of crisp,[Read More…]
Redmen swimming – B
Adam Scotti With mostly second and third place overall team finishes throughout the season, the Redmen swimmers had an overall standard year collectively. The team finished 11th out of 19 teams at the CIS championships in late February to cap off a steady season that left the team with room[Read More…]
Myriam Zaidi – VP External: B
The biggest challenge by far in Myriam Zaidi’s portfolio this year was tuition, which the Quebec government announced on March 17 would increase by $325 per year over the next five years. Zaidi took a strong stance against tuition from the beginning. The website, which she re-launched this year,[Read More…]
Martlets Volleyball – C+
Sophie Silkes The 2011 Martlet Volleyball season was a disappointing one. Despite flashes of brilliance throughout the season, the squad was unable to take advantage of two chances to make the CIS Championship tournament and ended the season with six consecutive losses, finishing with an overall record of 21-22. The[Read More…]
Why you should stay in Montreal for the summer
It’s not unusual to hear complaints from McGill students that Montreal in winter is simply “uninhabitable.” On a recent jaunt up the mountain, a friend and I looked out over the frozen city and the icy expanse across the river wondering what early settlers could have been thinking when they[Read More…]