Amidst the implementation of Quebec’s vaccine passport, McGill announced that a vaccination clinic in Redpath Hall would offer first and second doses and register vaccines received outside of Quebec on Sept. 3. The event was heavily advertised by email and across McGill’s various social media accounts, but many attendees felt[Read More…]
Change Makers Episode 3: Designs for a Difference
In this episode of the Change Makers podcast, Staff Producer Noah Vaton speaks with the two founders of Designs for a Difference, Jesse Ye and Tai Nguyen. Together, they founded the Non-Profit Clothing Brand, in an attempt to try and help raise money for different organizations. They discuss how the[Read More…]
EDRSC event discusses disordered eating in a McGill context
Content warning: Eating disorders and disordered eating. On March 30, McGill’s Eating Disorder Resource and Support Centre (EDRSC) held a virtual talk titled “Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating in the McGill Context.” In what was the EDRSC’s final talk of the 2020-2021 school year, panellists examined the dual impacts that university life[Read More…]
McGill Senate presents annual report on sexual violence
The McGill Senate convened on March 24 to vote on several motions and present annual reports from various branches of university governance, including the Senate Nominating Committee and the Board of Governors (BoG). Governors approved PGSS Academic Affairs Officer Sophie Osiecki’s appointment to the Senate’s Committee on Student Grievances and[Read More…]
Expanding Economics panel considers the importance of decolonizing economics
Expanding Economics, a McGill initiative that aims to promote pluralism within the field of economics, hosted the virtual panel, “Decolonizing Economics” on Feb. 27. Panellists discussed how colonial legacies have influenced economic development and economic theory and suggested ways to decolonize economics from an academic perspective. The event featured Priyamvada[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How do I maintain connections with peers virtually?
Dear Ainsley, With most of my days spent indoors without the usual hustle and bustle of campus life, I am finding it difficult to stay in touch with acquaintances. On-campus classes and parties were what brought us together, so it’s been harder to maintain relationships in their absence. What can[Read More…]
Canada’s new leaders must engage the student voting base
The 2023 Canadian federal election will feature new party leaders representing the Conservative and Green parties. Erin O’Toole of the Conservative Party and Annamie Paul of the Green Party are likely to face off against the current Prime Minister, the Liberal Party’s Justin Trudeau, and the New Democratic Party (NDP)’s[Read More…]
McGill hosts Montreal International Poetry Prize
The biennial Montreal International Poetry Prize is happening now, with submissions open until June 10, and this year, McGill’s Department of English is hosting. Known colloquially as the “Prize,” this competition was founded in 2010 as an initiative by Montreal poet and literary critic Asa Boxer. The Prize awards $20,000[Read More…]
‘The Witcher’ brings forth a grand narrative ready to be explored
The world of The Witcher is in constant conflict. Whether due to a deceptive, shapeshifting monster or a human with the power to cast curses, chaos is prevalent in Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski’s elaborate novels. Netflix’s adaptation of the engrossing book series exhibits the same successful narrative that has also inspired[Read More…]
Standing in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en
As of press time, members of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation are struggling to defend their land: For over a decade, Coastal GasLink has been attempting to construct a natural gas pipeline through Wet’suwet’en territory, without the true consent of the Wet’suwet’en peoples . On Jan. 9, students at McGill hosted[Read More…]