The curious, the questions, and the answers From Jan. 26 to 30, the Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) hosted its annual Academia Week. The event sparked students' curiosity about science and life in academia, bringing in world-renowned scientists to present interesting questions related to their field of work. SUS Academia[Read More…]
Science & Technology
The latest in science and technology.
This month in student research: Safina Adatia
New mothers are already under stressful situations, and to help minimize this, Safina Adatia has been studying the effect noise has on new mothers. Adatia, a student pursuing a Master of Science degree in family medicine, conducts her research in the postpartum ward of St. Mary’s Hospital in Montreal. The[Read More…]
Research project engages undergraduates in research
Unlike traditional courses, where students perform predictable experiments to learn laboratory techniques, MIMM 212’s (Laboratory in Microbiology) students are on the front lines of scientific research. The course is part of the Small World Initiative (SWI), a project based out of Yale University that seeks to engage undergraduates in scientific[Read More…]
Research Briefs—Jan. 27, 2015
Is being bilingual better? A 2011 census of Canada revealed Montreal to have the highest rate of bilinguals in the country. While this figure may not come as a surprise to many, it does make Montreal the ideal candidate for demonstrating the ‘bilingual advantage.’ Evidence has shown that raising[Read More…]
Do you want fries with that?
Next time you think you’re deciding between a salad and fries, your brain may have already subconsciously made the decision for you. A research team from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital of McGill University and the McGill University Health Centre has shown that food choices are largely governed by[Read More…]
Coding 4 dummies
Programming There are several ways to learn programming and plenty of languages to choose from. The good news is that even though they are not the same, they are often analogous; once you learn one programming language, most others follow easily. provides practical knowledge and lets you program interactively[Read More…]
19th edition of Soup and Science
Soup and Science, presented by the Office of Undergraduate Research in Science, has provided a platform for undergraduate students to hear professors discuss their research and potentially secure a position as an undergraduate researcher in their labs. As Dean of Science Martin Grant explained, Soup and Science offers students a[Read More…]
The evolution of e-sports
Twelve feet wide, five feet tall, and nine feet deep. The Nimrod computer cast a looming presence at the Festival of Britain in 1951. Nimrod was the first computer designed specifically for playing video games—in this case, the mathematical strategy game Nim. In Nim’s traditional set-up, two players take turns[Read More…]
The power of potatoes
Potatoes, known for their carbohydrate content and delicious role in poutine, have a reputation for being unhealthy with dieters usually avoiding them at all costs. But a team of researchers from McGill University has shown that potatoes may in fact help those trying to slim down. The team fed a[Read More…]
This month in student research: Jacob Kantorowitz
As a third-year pharmacology major, Jacob Kantorowitz has spent the past year in the Whiteway lab studying an interesting fungus that is genetically similar to yeast-Candida albicans. Kantorowitz has been researching C. albican fungal infections, which are the cause of thousands of deaths of immunocompromised individuals in Canada every year.[Read More…]