Professor Anthony Ricciardi’s team thought they were going to be studying the Asian Clam—an invasive species—when they dropped their sediment-collecting grabs below the surface of the St. Lawrence River last year. Instead, they found the microbead—a type of microplastic defined as any debris less than five millimetres in size. Rowshyra[Read More…]
Science & Technology
The latest in science and technology.
Research Briefs — Sept. 30
Face the truth: Mites found on human skin Microscopic eight-legged creatures make their homes in the faces of all people, a study recently published in PLOS ONE has shown. The Demodex mites are a group of hair follicle and sweat gland-dwelling species. Two different species of these mites reside on[Read More…]
Quebec attempts to forge carbon market
“Climate change is not fiction.” So began Premier Philippe Couillard at the NYC Climate Summit on Sept. 22, the largest effort yet at galvanizing action for climate change. The event featured the likes of Ban Ki-moon and President Obama. Couillard’s speech echoed those of the others present at the summit[Read More…]
TISED talks address renewable electricity in Canada and the U.S.
Last Wednesday, Moyse Hall attendees watched society and technology collide. As part of a lecture series hosted by the Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED), McGill presented two views—one from an economist and one from an engineer—on the future of renewable power in North America. The first[Read More…]
The struggle to cure HPV
To latch onto a human host cell, the human papillomavirus (HPV) scans the outside of its target until it reaches its receptor protein—the trapdoor through which the virus may pass into the cell.
McGill Robotics prepares for a new year
McGill Robotics is an interdisciplinary engineering design team at McGill University that has a strong, albeit short, history of success.
Research Briefs
Fear not: The Dreadnoughtus The dreadnought was a type of battleship developed in the 20th century that was known for its size and speed.
The ongoing Bitcoin battle
The term ‘Bitcoin’ first appeared in 2009 when Satoshi Nakamoto—a potential pseudonym of either a single person or group—invented the world’s first decentralized digital currency. This 21st century currency employs a third-party, intermediate, cryptography system resulting in a more secure and confidential medium of exchange. No governmental monetary authority controls[Read More…]
Eat this: McGill’s 18th edition of Soup and Science
Soup and Science entered its eighth year at McGill this past week. A twice-a-year event that spans one week at the beginning of both the Fall and Winter semesters, Soup and Science brings lecturers from several departments together to present their research to students over lunch. Not many universities are[Read More…]
McGill University researcher chosen for prestigious grant
Canada has one of the highest rates of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the world.