Science & Technology

The latest in science and technology.

Research briefs

FDA joins fight against trans fat High levels of artificial trans-fat in processed foods have been known to cause 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths related to heart disease every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In an effort to reduce such diseases, the Food and Drug[Read More…]

Breaking down barriers in osteoarthritis

Known for its excellence in research, McGill University is home to a host of professors and scientists whose work contribute to scientific innovation. In tribute to the amazing research conducted within McGill’s walls, each month Science & Technology will feature student researchers who have helped contribute to the cutting edge[Read More…]

Research briefs

Safety questioned in hands-free texting apps An article in the November issue of Scientific American revealed a surprising twist to the popularity concerning hands-free texting apps, such as Voice Text Pro and Developers assumed that, since drivers would not need to take their eyes off the road to use[Read More…]

Research briefs

Technology and medicine join forces through an in-home HIV test Despite approximately 2.5 million new cases of HIV each year worldwide, six out of 10 go undiagnosed. Dr. Nitika Pant Pai and her team at the Royal Victoria Hospital of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) hope to address this[Read More…]

WildCard app acquires an academic spin

When does add/drop end? When will the finals schedule be released? These are all questions many McGill students struggle to find the answer to online, and that is where WildCard comes in. Tom Zheng and Randeep Singh started WildCard with a simple concept in 2011. According to Zheng, “It started[Read More…]

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