Science & Technology

The latest in science and technology.

Research briefs

Glow-in-the-dark piglets born As the new year rolls in, so does the prospect of glow-in-the-dark bacon and neon pork chops. Last August, two researchers at the South China Agricultural University in Guangdon Province—Zhenfang Wu and Zicong Li—successfully injected biofluorescent genetic material taken from jellyfish directly into pig embryos, resulting in[Read More…]

SciTech Calendar: Jan. 14

Major Depression and Suicide: Presentation by Dr. Gustavo Turecki Contact [email protected] to RSVP Jan 20, 6 to 8 p.m. The Killam Prize lecture—Vaccines: Impact on Global Health and Economics Lecture given by Dr. Lorne A. Babiuk, 2013 Killam Prize Winner in Health Sciences. Registration is free but on a first-come,[Read More…]

Soup and Science Preview 2014

What is it? This week, head over to the Redpath museum to listen to a collection of professors provide a short presentation of their research. Make sure to get there early, as seating is limited and spots fill up fast. Following the presentations, students are invited to mingle with the[Read More…]

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