Science & Technology

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As a faculty member, Kaspi recognizes the challenges faced by female physics students. (Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune)

Extreme, observable physics

In honour of “Women’s Month,” the Tribune is profiling different female researchers at McGill, and the story behind their work.    Imagine walking into a classroom filled entirely with people of the opposite gender. McGill Physics Professor Dr. Victoria Kaspi remembers her shock at the overwhelmingly male cohort during her[Read More…]

Dr. Hannah Gay made the decision to treat the baby with drugs even before her infection was confirmed. (Image Source:

Exceptions to the epidemic?

Over the last 30 years, science has seen many breakthroughs with respect to AIDS caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Affecting over 34 million people worldwide, billions of dollars have been donated to finding a cure for this disease. However, as of 2013, there is still no cure for[Read More…]

How much is too much caffeine?

Coffee is often a welcomed friend during the semester. According to folklore, the bean’s energizing properties were first discovered by an Ethiopian goat herdsman, who found his flock frolicking after eating coffee berries from nearby bushes. It’s not just goats that enjoy the effects of caffeine, however. According to the[Read More…]

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