With the development of social media and communications technology, language is facing external pressures to shift towards a more condensed form, as seen in the current use of slangs, abbreviations, and connotations.
Science & Technology
The latest in science and technology.
This Week in Research
Dragonflies are advanced predators (Sam Reynolds) New studies on dragonflies and their hunting strategies have led researchers to believe that they may be among the most developed predators on the planet. One study, conducted by professor Robert M. Olberg from Union College, suggests that dragonflies catch nearly 95 per cent[Read More…]
Looking ahead
One of the most highly sought-after experiences for undergraduate science students is the elusive ‘lab job.’ There is no doubt within McGill’s Science student body that a lab research position is one of the most essential additions to your CV and med school application. Although working in a lab is[Read More…]
McGill engineers compete to design lunabot
Busy beneath the McConnell cafeteria is McGill’s LunarEx robotics team’s lab, where the team has been working hard for the past year to construct a robot to compete in an international competition sponsored by NASA. Through this ‘lunabotics’ (moon-related robots) mining competition, NASA aims to increase interest in robotics and[Read More…]
No longer a poster child for climate change
The majestic great white bear of the north is threatened by its inability to adequately acquire food resources, as a result of melting sea ice caused by climate change. Or is it? Many now believe that the polar bear, poster child for climate change, is not actually facing the declining[Read More…]
Sci-Tech Summer Reads
As the summer months draw near, visions of sandy beaches and cool breezes take over our minds, filling us with warmth—and promises of lots of free time. Whether looking out at the sea or the back of the seat in front of you on a flight, nothing can transport you[Read More…]
Little known programs
In a day or two, U0 students will be required to choose their majors and minors for next year. Many other students also have the opportunity to change their program, if their current one is not the right fit. The Faculty of Science has a wide range of programs, many[Read More…]
The health benefits of “taking five”
Three weeks ago when I volunteered to play music for patients at the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH), I was given a special request to play in the psychiatric care centre. The managers who made this request noted that researchers recently released evidence that music can counter the ‘sundowning effect,’[Read More…]
School in clouds, a new face to education
Albert Einstein once said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.” TED 2013 Prize Winner Sugata Mitra’s idea of building a school in the clouds epitomizes the way in which the human imagination can push boundaries to solve global issues. Mitra, a professor of educational technology at[Read More…]
Up in arms against mental illness diagnosis
In times of stress, students are accustomed to the familiar feelings of anxiety and mood changes. However, although people encounter stress from exams, work, and life’s challenges, this natural response to the demands placed on the body should not be classified as severe anxiety or depression. One of the most[Read More…]