Science & Technology

The latest in science and technology.

Dr. Hannah Gay made the decision to treat the baby with drugs even before her infection was confirmed. (Image Source:

Exceptions to the epidemic?

Over the last 30 years, science has seen many breakthroughs with respect to AIDS caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Affecting over 34 million people worldwide, billions of dollars have been donated to finding a cure for this disease. However, as of 2013, there is still no cure for[Read More…]

How much is too much caffeine?

Coffee is often a welcomed friend during the semester. According to folklore, the bean’s energizing properties were first discovered by an Ethiopian goat herdsman, who found his flock frolicking after eating coffee berries from nearby bushes. It’s not just goats that enjoy the effects of caffeine, however. According to the[Read More…]

Behind the scenes at the Dent lab

The Dent Lab in the Stewart Biology building is humming with activity. Run by Dr. Joseph Dent, an associate professor and researcher at McGill University, the lab focuses on the molecular genetics of the behaviour in C. elegans, a nematode roundworm.  Specifically, the lab’s research focuses on understanding the structure[Read More…]

How does our memory work?

The human brain, composed of over 100 billion cells, is a natural work of art. Groups of brain cells, called neurons, and their synapses—the gaps in between them—are the functional units of the brain that allow us to store memories. While these cells are responsible for what we remember, what[Read More…]

When Mendel meets Darwin

First there was Darwin, who published the revolutionary On the Origin of Species in 1859, introducing the world to the theory of natural selection. According to this theory, genetic variations arise as adaptions to differential environments, where any profitable traits that incur a survival advantage are selected for and preserved[Read More…]

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