Science & Technology

The latest in science and technology.

Laurin Liu at the Science and Policy Exchange (Cassandra Rogers / McGill Tribune)

Third annual Science and Policy Exchange

On Friday, Sept. 14, a group of graduate students, professors, policy-makers, and entrepreneurs gathered in the McGill Faculty Club ballroom to attend the third annual Science  and Policy Exchange. The conference featured panel speakers from government, industry, and academia. The sessions covered three topics: sustainable policymaking, the 2014 health care[Read More…]

Don’t panic

As the add/drop period comes to an end, students seem frantic to get those last spots in their desired classes. These 13 days of testing the waters provide a good sense of what the classes are like, but the pool can only hold so much. Instead of refreshing Minerva every[Read More…]

SciTech Weekly Calendar

Stones and Beer Bike Tour Fossil, rock, and architecture bike tour with beer and snacks included. Sunday, September 16th from 16:00 to 20:00. Meet at the Redpath Museum. Admission is $15 for students, call 514-398-4094 to reserve a spot. TranspoCamp Montreal Transportation-focused hack-a-thon. Friday, September 21st from 8:30 to 17:00[Read More…]

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