Science & Technology

The latest in science and technology.

Study gadgets

With summer just around the corner, students are gearing up for one of the more stressful times of year—exams. While there’s nothing that can make your final exams completely pain-free, these gadgets might help you cope with them. StayFocusd Studying was difficult before the age of distractions. Now, in the[Read More…]

Microsoft’s UEFI is anti-competitive

The difference between software and hardware has long been somewhat blurry. Software is a vital part in any computer system, from supercomputersto smart phones, yet the software on a device can be largely independent from the hardware. For now, consumers have the freedom to choose the software they would like to[Read More…]

Microsoft’s UEFI is anti-competitive

The difference between software and hardware has long been somewhat blurry. Software is a vital part in any computer system, from supercomputers to smart phones, yet the software on a device can be largely independent from the hardware. For now, consumers have the freedom to choose the software they would[Read More…]

Study gadgets

With summer just around the corner, students are gearing up for one of the more stressful times of year-exams. While there’s nothing that can make your final exams completely pain-free, these gadgets might help you cope with them. StayFocusd Studying was difficult before the age of distractions. Now, in the[Read More…]

A new potential therapy for Alzheimer’s disease

Recent McGill research may have brought scientists one step closer to finding an early marker for Alzheimer’s disease.  Alzheimer’s is one of the most menacing chronic illnesses, one which attacks the brain by degrading the neural tissue necessary for thoughts and normal brain function. The disease manifests by erasing the[Read More…]

Speakers discuss green careers

On Wednesday, March 14, three professionals in environment-related fields offered career advice to students interested in pursuing similar careers after graduation. The professional panel session was part of the Career Planning Services’ (CaPS) Green Careers Week, a three-day event featuring over 15 different non-government organizations and a dozen speakers from[Read More…]

Montreal students launch UniYu

A group of Montreal students have launched a new university-centric website which encourages students to share advice on professors, classes, and student groups. The site, called UniYu, launched a beta version last week. Unlike existing online resources, which often only focus either on note-sharing or course advice, UniYu hopes to[Read More…]

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