Science & Technology

The latest in science and technology.

New research shows video games may be addictive

Many people play video games as a temporary retreat from work or study, or to occasionally escape in the experience of traveling virtually to places and situations unlikely or impossible in the real world. According to recent studies by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto and[Read More…]

The greatest inventions of all time Sliced bread is awesome. But, if it’s truly one of the greatest inventions of all time, why do people still own bread knives? Here are some other suggestions for the top innovative inventions of all time. While these inventors may not have won  Nobel Prizes, they certainly deserve some[Read More…]

Stuxnet: the world’s most sophisticated virus

    Stuxnet is a working and fearsome prototype of a cyber-weapon that will lead to the creation of a new arms race in the world Kaspersky Labs     When one of the world’s leading malware research labs releases a quote like this, it’s time to get worried. Stuxnet is one[Read More…]

In Switzerland, accelerator begins smashing protons at full speed

At 12:58 p.m. local time last Tuesday, the Large Hadron Collider, a mammoth particle accelerator buried 100 metres beneath Geneva, Switzerland, finally began smashing subatomic particles together at record-high speeds. Though the LHC’s first successful particle collisions occurred in November, on Tuesday physicists at the accelerator recorded the first collisions at the energy level – about seven trillion electron volts (TeV) – at which the collider will operate for about the next year and a half.

Avoid iTunes’ high prices, legally

People love Apple, and a perfect example of this is the iPod. In order to use an iPod, one must have iTunes installed. If iTunes isn’t installed, the iPod will not work. But when iTunes is installed, Apple’s movie player, Quicktime, is also installed, as well as a number of other iServices that Apple doesn’t tell you about.

Up To Speed

The US National Cancer Institute team has found a way to manipulate immune cells in one’s own body to attack certain kinds of cancer. Two of 17 people treated have been declared clear of skin cancer after treatment using genetically modified versions of their own immune cells.

Something in the Air

In this age of greenhouse gasses and smog advisories, air pollution has gotten a pretty bad name, and rightly so. But it still looks pretty trippy. Air pollution is divided into four categories: criteria air contaminates (which create smog and acid rain), persistent organic pollutants (which travel well and bioaccumulate in body tissues), heavy metals (which enter the food and water supply) and toxins (which will, in one way or another, kill you).

More young people lack vitamin D than previously thought

A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism has revealed that many young adults are lacking vitamin D, which is linked to increased body fat. Due to the inverse relationship between muscle fat and strength, the study is being approached as a plausible explanation for weakness symptoms.


Many people drink coffee to wake themselves up in the morning or stay focussed throughout their day. But a team of scientists from BBC’s Bang Goes the Theory have taken the term “running on coffee” to another extreme: they have built a car that runs on coffee rather than gasoline.

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