Science & Technology

The latest in science and technology.

Hänsch emphasizes importance of precision

On March 1, the McGill physics department  hosted a public lecture by Nobel laureate Dr. Theodor W. Hänsch of the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, as part of this year’s Anna I. McPherson lecture series. During his talk, called “Passion for Precision,” Hänsch discussed the importance of precise measurements in his[Read More…]

Genetic breakthrough made in childhood brain cancer Dr. Nada Jabado, an associate professor of pediatrics at McGill, recently led an international cohort of scientists in search of the genetic factors behind the onset of childhood brain cancer. The study, published in Nature, uncovered two important mutations that affect the regulation of the genome. Glioblastoma multiforme, a[Read More…]

McGill research sheds light on hidden genetic potential

Groundbreaking research at McGill is shedding light on the importance of environmental stress on evolution. Researchers led by Professor Ehab Abouheif, a Canada Research Chair in Evolutionary Developmental Biology, recently created “supersoldiers” of the ant genus Pheidole morissi in the lab. The “super” ants sport huge, oblong, heads and ultra-sharp[Read More…]

SOPA migrates north

The fight between the entertainment industry and illegal file sharers has moved north of the border, with Bill C-11 set to reach the floor of Canadian Parliament this week. Bill C-11 is the latest iteration in a series of proposed amendments to Canada’s Copyright Act which aim to provide more[Read More…]

Neuroscientist Marc Tessier-Lavigne speaks at McGill World-renowned neuroscientist and McGill alumnus Dr. Marc Tessier-Lavigne spoke to an audience of science undergraduates on Friday evening. Tessier-Lavigne was formerly executive vice president of research for the biotechnology firm Genentech, and is now president of The Rockefeller University, a prestigious university in Manhattan devoted to research in the[Read More…]

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