Repeated practice is necessary to achieve mastery, which is no exception for surgical residents who often train directly on patients for four to six years. However, in this hands-on learning environment, even a minor mistake can be serious. To protect against such fatalities, a McGill research team constructed a solution.[Read More…]
Science & Technology
The latest in science and technology.
Carbon offsets: A controversial way to fight climate change
At McGill, a university that boasts a large international student body and faculty, it is no surprise that many people rely on air travel to return for the start of the semester. Globally, the number of annual airline passengers in the past 15 years has more than doubled, increasing from[Read More…]
The applications of graphene at McGill and beyond
Imagine a future where cell phones can be charged in seconds and tablets roll up like newspapers. As scientists delve deeper into the field of nanoscience, developments like these appear more possible than ever. Nanoscience is the study of matter at the nanoscopic level, or nanoscale. Consequently, scientists and engineers[Read More…]
Faculty of Science presents the 28th edition of Soup and Science
From Sept. 9—13, the Faculty of Science hosted Soup and Science, a semesterly event where professors briefly present their research and talk with students at Redpath Museum. The expanding universe Pouya Jafarian Contributor Jonathan Sievers, a professor in the Department of Physics and researcher at the McGill Space Institute, shared[Read More…]
Climate change has become a multi-faceted dilemma
The most recent report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (drafted on Aug. 7) emphasizes the susceptibility of global food security to changes in climate and land use. The report highlighted that adaptive strategies to reduce total carbon production and preserve natural ecosystems are humanity’s best chance at[Read More…]
Hippocampus research introduces a new understanding of stress
In Aug. 2019, a team led by McGill professor and researcher Tak Pan Wong published a new study about the hippocampus and its ability to retain memories of stressful experiences. Published in the Journal for Neuroscience, the study detailed new connections to mental disorders such as depression and post-traumatic stress[Read More…]
Science podcasts to start the semester
Whether you’re folding laundry or walking to campus, podcasts are a great way to pass the time and learn some obscure information to impress your friends. They can also be a wonderful way for science and non-science students alike to engage in a subject that they would like to explore.[Read More…]
Discarding waste in McGill labs
During the relocation of Macdonald Campus in 1978, lab manager in the Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry Ebrahim Noroozi was tasked with the transfer of thousands of chemicals. That year, the campus was moved from its old buildings in the John Abbott College complex to its current location.[Read More…]
Yoshua Bengio on the future of AI
Turing Award recipient and McGill alumnus Yoshua Bengio, best known for his seminal work on artificial intelligence (AI), is the latest recipient of the Killam Prize, a $100,000 award given to outstanding scholars. Bengio is the founder of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (Mila), a world-renowned AI research institute. [Read More…]
World Oceans Day highlights pressures on marine environments
On June 8, humans dumped 13,000–15,000 pieces of plastic into the ocean. At the same time, we were celebrating United Nations (UN) designated World Oceans Day, which raises awareness about oceans’ importance to humanity. It also connects people worldwide through social media, encourages participation in partner organizations, and inspires year-round[Read More…]