At only two and a half months old, a baby girl named Mathilde Poliquin passed away at the Montreal Children’s Hospital from an unknown neurodevelopmental pediatric disorder. Her head was much smaller than normal, and her brain had not developed properly. Six years later, a group of doctors from the[Read More…]
Science & Technology
The latest in science and technology.
Using sleep behaviour to predict Parkinson’s Disease
Although the specific biological purpose of sleep is unknown, scientists know that it has an important link to proper brain function. New studies suggest that sleep disorders might also be indicative of the development of neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s Disease. At night, sleep stages cycle between two states—non-Rapid Eye Movement[Read More…]
Stress: A living nightmare
In Old English folklore, a ‘mare’ is a mythological demon that disturbs and haunts people while they sleep, giving them bad dreams. Adding the word ‘night’ before mare gave people further association of this phenomenon as occurring during sleep. Even the Universal Etymological English Dictionary, a text published throughout the[Read More…]
Women role models hope to inspire students in STEM
The McGill Students Chapter for Scientista and McGill Women in Leadership Students’ Association hosted their third annual Women in STEM Panel and Roundtable event on March 12, welcoming a set of eight accomplished scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. The panellists proved as adept at inviting discussion as they are at conducting[Read More…]
Blunting your mental resilience
Legalized in October 2018, cannabis is becoming an accepted part of mainstream society. However, researchers from McGill and the University of Oxford suggest that its effects may not be as well-understood as commonly believed. Their analysis has garnered international attention for linking cannabis use to depression and suicide risk in[Read More…]
Rare Disease Day at McGill is a rare celebration
Held on the last day of February every year, Rare Disease Day recognizes the impact of over 6,000 rare diseases worldwide. Started in 2008, its advocates celebrate Rare Diseases Day in over 90 countries by raising awareness among health practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and the general public. Diseases or disorders[Read More…]
Real phones have curves
Imagine never having to worry about small pockets again, instead you can just fold your phone over and over until it is a quarter of its original size. New technological advances and insights into graphene could make that future a reality. Recently, tech giant Samsung unveiled its new foldable phone,[Read More…]
Addressing LGBTQ+ needs in healthcare
At their recent panel on Feb. 25, Healthy McGill and the Nursing Peer Mentorship Program hosted a collaborative forum to address LGBTQ+ needs in healthcare. “Over 50 per cent of trans people say they are not comfortable going and getting healthcare services and, of people that needed emergency care in[Read More…]
People are rational—wanna bet?
It’s the final round of Jeopardy! and the stakes are high. Martha wipes a bead of sweat off her face, her fingers descending to trace the pearls around her neck for good luck. Despite holding a bank account several orders of magnitude smaller than her opponent Patricia, both women bet approximately[Read More…]
Freedom is worth more than a billion dollars
Canadians typically enjoy high living standards yet tend to suffer from weaker social support networks than countries such as Mexico where, despite having much lower standards of living on average, residents often live in very tight-knit communities. According to a new study conducted by a pair of researchers from McGill[Read More…]